Friday, January 22, 2016

My Valentine's

I am afraid to say what I'm about to say because destiny may attempt to take them for me , but I possibly have the best friends in the world.
I know people say this all time and I have said it before too but I am truly convinced that this time no one is luckier than me.
I have been blessed in ways only angles could have planned and simultaneously challenged in ways only devil could have interfered.
I won't dwell on this for too long because I'll bore you with all my luckiness and perky happiness but I will tell you this much. These girls represent the best of me. Each of them owns qualities I intensely admired. Each of them is beautifully strong in their flaws and inspires me to aspire more than a simple future and a simple life. I love them for that. And much. Much. More. As it turns out, the gift of friendship has been the Valentine's I have been dreaming about.

Love always,


In 2015 I won at life!

As I am seating here, in the classroom, for the last day of this very long semester and the very first month of the year, I am wondering what has been of my life.
I feel pride in all I've achieved at times, but exhaustion consumes me more often. I see myself confused and weaker than I once predicted. Stronger than I was, nevertheless.
I still own the same dreams, you know, so I haven't changed that much. Some of these dreams did come true, some haven't.
I am yet to win battles I have been fighting for too long and I couldn't be prouder of myself for not giving in to the destiny.
In 2015  life was funny and tricky. It build me up so much so that it could put me down. It gave me people and things that made happier than I ever thought I could  so that it could show me how difficult it would be without them.
It was epic in all forms of history. With entanglements I still don't understand. I have felt loved in ways I didn't know I could. Heartbreak didn't break me no longer. And mistakes didn't haunt me for too long.
In 2015 I won at life in million different ways. I can't wait for the challenges of 2016...