Monday, April 30, 2012

our little secret!

Is it me or life keeps messing everything up all the time? There's always a long cristal tear falling down our face. As much as we want to, things seem simply impossible to flow a bit more effortlessly. You have to fight so hard to the point that you don't know anymore what are you fighting for. It's a fantasy, we're not in charge of our lives. In most cases, everything is out of our hands...Let's face it, we're all just doomed... 

Maybe we are but today I don't feel like it. To be honest, for the first time in my life I feel like I've got goals in my head. Not only goals but also a plan with the things I need to do to attain them (as a whole). And I feel like fighting for it and as matter of fact, I don't give a damn what people think about it. I own it!
I was lost in so many different ways and I was wandering around life. But as  Tim Conway says "By experience we find out a short way by a long wandering." and now I've finally found my path. It's no longer about helping someone's else dream come true. It's about lighting up my face with gladness and fighting. This is the time I must keep on trying. Get rid of tears and smile. Life is still worthwhile and I know where exactly to start it. I've built a fire deep inside my soul that will truly motivate me to accomplish these things. At long last, I have ambitions, a burning desire for. Unfornatelly, I can't tell you what my plans are yet. For now, it's my little secret...


P.S Just to thank you once more for always visiting this blog. We had more 600 views in 9 days :o let's keep it... 10.000 views celebration post is coming :D

Random pics from my phone!

It was taken in Lisbon. It's my older sister. Isn't she lovely?

Just one more naked woman in the street. I see plenty of them daily :P

This is an outstanding hotel. The camera of my phone couldn't just capture it at  its fullest.

I had a teacher who once said there's a broadway in UK. No one believe her. Here's the proof.
"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes"- Raul Solnado

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Até sempre! ♥

Sorri quando a dor te torturar
E a saudade atormentar
Os teus dias tristonhos vazios

Sorri quando tudo terminar
Quando nada mais restar
Do teu sonho encantador

Sorri quando o sol perder a luz
E sentires uma cruz
Nos teus ombros cansados doridos

Sorri vai mentindo a sua dor
E ao notar que tu sorris
Todo mundo irá supor
Que és feliz

Charles Chaplin

Porque regressamos sempre ao sitio onde alguém nos espera...

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes"- Raul Solnado


I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

England, here I go again! :)

See you later, folks!
"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes"- Raul Solnado

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

the show must go on

I'm no longer afraid, the show must go on...

The show must go on
The show must go on, yeah
Inside my heart is breaking
My make- up may be flaking
But my smile still stays on
Whatever happens, i'll leave it all to chance
Another heartache, another failed romance
On and on, does anybody know what we are living for ?
I guess I'm learning (I'm learning learning, learning)
I must be warmer now
My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies
Fairytales of yesterday will grow but never die
I can fly - my friends
The show must go on (go on, go on, go on) yeah yeah
The show must go on (go on, go on, go on)
I'll face it with a grin
I'm never giving in
On - with the show

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes"- Raul Solnado

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I was 'getting' ready to do my sleep ritual, ie, watching as episodes as I can of The Big Bang Theory series until falling asleep. Suddenly I had a glimpse, not the 'EUREKA' type one, just a simple random but quite important for me glimpse. Pretty much I realised I've never told you guys about my dear beloved Sheldon. Assuming you all know who is him, I won't do a proper presentation or answer to the 'who is him' query. I never could introduce him properly, he do it best, so go watch this series and get to know him. However, there's something I have to say: he's a one edition brilliant mind who is totally unfamiliarized with 1st class monkey species, the human being. Just watch it and be amazed!
Currently, I'm watching the last episodes from the last season (season 5) and makes me so sad thinking that now I have to wait for new episodes to be surprised by Sheldon's intelligence. I'm going to miss him :c Anyway, eventually, I'll figured out a different new to do my sleep ritual. Dunno wut else to say ...
Oooh, I'll leave with a few hilarious quotes by Sheldon Cooper.
That's it. Sleep tight folks!

“I am not crazy; my mother had me tested.”
“Interesting. Sex works even better than chocolate to modify behavior. I wonder if anyone else has stumbled on to that.”
“Howard, you know me to be a very smart man. Don’t you think that if I were wrong, I’d know it?”
“What exactly does that expression mean, ‘friends with benefits’? Does he provide her with health insurance?”
 “A fear of heights is illogical. A fear of falling, on the other hand, is prudent and evolutionary.”
“A neutron walks into a bar and asks how much for a drink. The bartender replies, ‘For you, no charge.’”

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes"- Raul Solnado

Monday, April 23, 2012

A whole new world!

Hey bloggers!
Well, at first I was terrific for coming back home and being able to spend time with my family and friends. And now, after all that, a few days from coming back to England, I realised it wasn't what I expected. 
On the one hand, I loved it, I truly enjoyed spending time with my family. Furthermore, this time I was able to spent tons of time with my dad which allow me to discover several resemblances between us.
On the other hand, otherwise from what I've hoped, I couldn't spend that much time with my closest friends, which was somewhat disappointing for me. I'm trying to understand their position due to the fact of they having their own stuffs to deal with, but after spending a day musing about this, I don't think I do...
Anyhow, I know that's how life roles. Therefore, I won't be sorrowful about it.
I just want them to know I will be always available for them, even if our paths lead us to different endings...
When it comes to England, I'm not going to say that I'm looking forward to coming back. England isn't home for me and to be honest, doesn't feel like it. Moreover, I don't have friends there yet and I spent most part of my type overcoming challenges bigger than myself. Though, I know there's a whole brand new world waiting for me and for that, dear lord, I'm looking forward to experience it.
To conclude, I want to thank y'all very much for this last days views: more than 300 views in 2 days. That's insanely awesome! Keep visiting me!

Love y'all

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes"- Raul Solnado

Saturday, April 21, 2012

OVER 9000!

Hey! I was somewhat energetic last night so yesterday night post come out a bit different, i guess.
Anyway, just want to let you know that we are so close to reach 10.000 views. I know, I know there are a lot of blogs from blogsphere who may reach the 10.000 value, daily. Though, for me, hopefully for you too, that's a huge achievement. Although never knowing, literally, how you guys feel about Mk, I feel like the increase of views shows me it can't be bad, otherwise you wouldn't be here.
Anyhow, the correct is: 'congratuations bloggers, we are over 9000 views and on our way to beat the 10000. So, keep visiting me in Mk and if you feel like it, leave a comment.'


"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes"- Raul Solnado

Friday, April 20, 2012

weird, creepy, awkward...

Well, let's see.
First, today I turned Mk into a private blog. And then, just a few hours ago, I turned it back public. Please, don't ask me why. I don't really have a reasonable explanation for it. And trying to explain something not reasonable takes time and patience I don't want to waste my time on it...So, let's just stay with that, okay?
Second, oh dear, I've discover today how stalker I am. I wish I wasn't, but hey, all the signals are there. Gosh, I hate facebook. Don't you hate facebook? Facebook improve our stalker skills. So we keep stalking everyone lives. by the way, some people make it very clear and easy, don't you agree? I have a facebook account for 4 years now which means I'm almost a psychopath!  :c :c :c :c :c
Third, I'm so damn worried about the Ielts exam. The date is getting closer and I'm getting worse, which doesn't make sense at all. I'm just not feeling ready or even though, as comfortable as I should be. It's an expensive test. Oh nevermind ... Let's face it, I can't fail this time :x
Fourth, I'm starting to think I've got serious problems. Man, I'm sociable. I mean it, I don't have problems talking with people I've never seen before. And honestly, usually, most people enjoy getting to know me. I'm funny. Nevertheless, I'm weirdly bad making friends. Okay, let me explain it to you. The first time you know me, I'm sociable. The following times, I'm weird, increasingly weird. Then, if after all weirdness you've been through you still want to get to know me (which means you're an angel. I mean, I wouldn't do), I eventually will try to push you away. I do that, I really do. I don't know how, but I do. I make people feel uncomfortable. But please, don't get me wrong I don't do it on purpose. I really want to be your friend, but we shouldn't. I'll probably make you feel odd, weird, unfamiliar, you know. Why would you be my friend?... Well, if you're resillient, for some heavenly reason, and withstand the pressure, I'll be 'obligated' do my final move, which is the awkward one. Naively, I'll try in a excessively hard way, to be your friend, turning into something fake and bogus. And let's face it (once more), a true friendship can't be faked. So, summing up, you don't want to be my friend. I'll probably end up lonely, sad and isolated. But it doesn't bug me. I mean, eventually, we all end up lonely.
Well, at last, after wasting your lifetime in a non-proper way with a weird post, I want to show you my lovely chocolate cake. As you can see on the picture below, looks very yhammi (and it is! I guarantee you). Oh, I'm so proud of my cooking skills. Eventually I'll be cookin like my mom (I really don't believe that's possible. I mean, she's got a gift!).

Man, I'm getting more awkward every single day. I just can feel it. My habits, my mood, the way I walk in the street, how my mind is never clear, is always stalking mentally someone. How important is a cleared minded nowadays?
Do you have any advices for me people like me? btw, if you know someone who has a similar awkwardness level (over 9000), please let me know. I would love to know I'm not the only one.
Even though I haven't said nothing properly substancial in this post, I'm glad I've decided to turn it back public.
Thanks for 'reading' me. It's always a pleasure wasting your lifetime.

see you later foks


PS. The creepiest post I've made it so far :| And don't feel like double checking it, so poor you if you found errors! :c

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes"- Raul Solnado

Thursday, April 19, 2012

what's new?

Hey! As you can see, I've changed, once more Mk's template. I just thought it was time to make a change. Is it prettier than it was? Tell me what you think.
I changed, as well, my two linked pages: Today You Inspired Me and Um dia Vou. If you want to, go check it and let me know how cool is it :p
I also added a page with My Top Blogs, some of the best throughout blogsphere, go check it too.
Well, that's it. I don't have that much to say.
See ya later folks

PS.  Just want to express my wrath on this bitter cold weather we having through.  Not even a summer glimpse :c
 "Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes"- Raul Solnado

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Don't be ashamed to cry. You gotta be ...

Só porque hoje o meu mood mudou e já estou novamente nostálgica, ficam aqui duas musicas que gosto muito desde sempre e um texto em português sobre todos os capricornianos com ascendente peixes. Sinto-me un peu mais compreendida :o

«Teremos aqui um capricorniano muito mais sensível e emotivo. Deverão aprender a confiar na sua intuição. Eles sentem mais as coisas do que as podem compreender e quando começam a racionalizar ficam confusos pois querem uma explicação concreta para o inconcreto. Terão tendência a criar um mundo seu em que tudo é idealizado e para onde fogem quando a realidade não lhes agrada.
Por idealizarem tanto as pessoas e as situações acabam por estar sujeitos a grandes desilusões. Terão um sentido de amizade muito forte que se sobrepõe até mesmo ao amor.
Dão muito de si sem se queixarem, mas gostam que sintam compaixão por eles e que os seus actos sejam alvo de admiração. Normalmente a sua vida é marcada por terem que assumir responsabilidades muito pesadas e desde muito cedo na vida.
Estes nativos são autênticos camaleões. Mudam a maneira de pensar e agir dependendo das pessoas pelas quais estão rodeados. Esta característica está longe de ser uma prova de falta de personalidade, é apenas a forma que os nativos com Ascendente Peixes encontraram de se adaptarem aos diferentes meios. De humor bastante inconstante, se um dia os encontramos tímidos e tranquilos, no outro podem vê-los agitadíssimos e apaixonados. 
Enquanto capricórnianos, são conhecidos pela sua determinação e personalidade vincada. Pessoas esforçadas e dedicadas, anseiam o sucesso e a estabilidade financeira, portanto trabalham muito para atingirem os seus objectivos. O que para os outros é fácil não o é para os nativos de Ascendente Capricórnio. Infelizmente para estes nada é facilitado, tudo é conseguido pelo seu suor. Os nativos de Ascendente Capricórnio levam a sério as tradições, a família e a responsabilidade. Combatem ferozmente todas as suas inseguranças, medos e insatisfações.
Com a maturidade ficam mais seguros e donos de uma riqueza interior muito grande.Terão atracção pelos nativos de Virgem. »

You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold, you gotta be wiser.
You gotta be hard, you gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, you gotta stay together
All i know, all i know, love will save the day

Não sou no quero ser o seu dono
É que um carinho às vezes cai bem...

Quando a gente gosta
É claro que a gente cuida...
Onde está você agora?

PS. Isto foi uma excepção. Os próximos posts serão escritos em inglês.
Não acredito em horóscopos ou nem nessa pseudociência 'astrologia', mas sentia-me traída pelo meu 'signo'. :p

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Feeling like a pop star * . *

Heey bloggers! What's up?
At last, I am at home. And I'm so glad. Oh gosh, these last days have been great and I couldn't asked for something better.
Now, I'm focused on enjoying the best I can the time with my family and friends, the ones I loved the most. It makes me sad thinking that very soon it will end.  I am coming back to England on 27th of April, ie, not this friday but the next one. :'( :'(
Anyhow, I'm learning to live the moment...
I arrived at Faro Airport on Wednesday, 11th of April. On the following day I had a tasteful, pleasant and cheerful snack with some good friends. They did catch me up of what was going on and I told them some of my funniest adventures in Britishland. It was a lovely after-evening (like Sheldon from Big Bang Theory used to say).
Then friday, last friday I went to an event in Portugal called 'Dia da defesa Nacional' which means 'National Defense Day'. To be honest, It was the main reason why I had to come back to Portugal so soon. So, my veridict is .... Despite the disgusting, nasty, gross food, It was AWESOME. I loved everything. I was able to manage a G3 gun and so others I can't remember the name. I was able to learn so many things about the Portuguese armed forces and so that, I am really thinking, after finishing my Bachelor's degree, enlisting/enrolling/recrutting in the portuguese army. I know, it sounds crazy. But c'mon. They have great jobs, great wages and they don't have to worry about their weight because they're constantly doing exercise (One of my biggest dramas).
Anyway, I still got tons of time to think about it, but know I am feeling really excited.
Oooh errmmm .... Did anyone see the movie Titanic in 3D? Me and my bestfriend went to see it at the cinema last night. I mean, I didn't notice that much of difference from the first one apart from the subtitles. Still, I truly believe it worth seeing. At least for forever lame people as me :p Once more, my veridict on it, it is 'approved'. As always, I loved it. So, I recommend it passionately. :D
Well, to finish, at the moment, I am at daddy's house. I am spending some good quality time with him, just the two of us. It's being great. I can't even say how proud of him I am, of his last year personal grouth. He's showing and proving to me he is the man I always hoped he was deep inside of him.
Well, now we are going to lunch. Have a lovely day too.

see you later folks.

PS. stupid instagram photo, I know! :p But I am just lovin' and enjoyin' managin' with the Instagram app for Androids.

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes"- Raul Solnado

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Catching up . . .

Hello! Remember me? I must say, I've been hugely disorganised and worked out these past few days, so my posting has gone a little du-woop (is that even a saying? nope? ok). After a manic week of studying, helping grandama taking care of my cousin and my uncle Dédé(Edgar), looking for jobs and having rushed appointments (and a day sick) I've literally had such little time for blogging. The unpleasant wintry weather we're currently 'cursed' with is definetely making everything quite more unbearable. 
Anyhow, Please accept my apologies and stay tuned. I have lots of posts coming up next week. :D
Oooh, btw Happy Easter everybody! I hope you've all had a lovely relaxing day with family and friends- and of course, filled with chocolate and sugary goodness. I spent this easter weekend at grandma's house for the first time and it was surprisely delightful. :D

Well, I've got some good news. At long last, I'll be able to rest a little while. I'm going to enjoy from tomorrow on, two weeks of holidays in Portugal. It's terrific, I know. I miss so badly my family and friends, and now I can be with them, for old times' sake. I know two weeks it's not a big deal of time, but I'm seeing it as a opportunity to charge batteries, top up this dead mobile that I'm becoming. Don't get me wrong, of course it's huge living abroad but nothing taste as well as our home.

Gosh, I'm so anxious. And I have 'so much' packing I will have to do. Just thinking about it makes me so anxious, to the point where I always almost having an anxiety attack today(?!?). And because I’m so anxious, I just want to start packing now. I really hate packing and since this year started I haven't stopped doing it .|.

God, I’m so weird.

Anyhow. I'm looking forward to seeing my friends when I back home. 

TWO WEEKS! I’m so excited! 

What have you all been up to this week? 
Tommy :)

« E o vendaval passou

E a primavera voltou

Trocam-se flores e afagos

em bancos de jardim

Trocam-se juras e beijos

em paixões de folhetim ... »

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes"- Raul Solnado