Friday, October 1, 2010

Today's quotes


"And I learned what is obvious to a child. That life is simply a collection of little lives, each lived one day at a time. That each day should be spent finding beauty in flowers and poetry and talking to animals. That a day spent with dreaming and sunsets and refreshing breezes cannot be bettered. But most of all, I learned that life is about sitting on benches next to ancient creeks with my hand on her knee and sometimes, on good days, for falling in love."

"It’s the possibility that keeps me going… and though you may call me a dreamer or fool or any other thing, I believe that anything is possible."

"I finally understood what true love meant… love meant that you care for another person’s happiness more than your own, no matter how painful the choices you face might be."

“I don't know that love changes. People change. Circumstances change.”

“You hope for the success, you dream about it, but you never expect it.”

“Romance is thinking about your significant other, when you are supposed to be thinking about something else.”

"Façam o Favor de Serem Felizes"- Raul Solnado