Saturday, March 31, 2012

♪ Music ♩

Music is probably my biggest crush ever and at the same time best friend. 
Since I choose very carefully my friends, I have the same type of relationship with music. I'm not picky, I enjoy all musicgenre doesn't matter to a music lover as me. Nevertheless, I've got those standards when it comes to just listening to good music. However, it's not about the genre, it's about the quality. I'd rather not listen than listen to crap music... End of the talk!
Though, what I've been noticing nowadays is that so many people seem to be so concerned about what particular genre of music they listen to, that they seem to be forgetting that it shouldn't matter as long as the meaning behind the music has meaning to somebody. People are more concerned with indulging in what is more popular at the time that they don't really stop and think about what they truly enjoy and what they like to listen to. They just want to follow the trend.
People shouldn't listen to something just based on its popularity at the time. They should listen to it because they get a higher meaning out of it and because it is the type of music that speaks to them at that time.
No music should be called a "guilty pleasures". People shouldn't be embarassed by what they enjoy. If you enjoy listening to that genre or band, own it. You shouldn't have to hide your tastes or aversions from anyone -- you are who you are, and you like what you like.
My favorite quote is, "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." by Dr. Seuss. If you like a particular band or genre and it speaks to you, then that's great. Other people may not agree with you, but we shouldn't all have to agree -- that's what makes us unique individuals. I'd just be happy that the person was interested in music. 
Music is music. If you love it, you shouldn't be ashamed of it. If you love it, shout it out! Don't look down other genres of music just because your friends don't like it. if you like it, that's what will matter at the end of the day."The first music that you really fall in love with is more than just music." Taylor says, "Its something that clicks in you,beyond the song, it's a message or image that causes you to jump in and not let go." (Taylor Hanson)
Never forget, When words fail, music speaks...
It's just my opinion anyway.
A few days ago I was getting ready to back to my old unsalted life. But luckily I realized I'm still young and this, whatever it is, whatever it will be, is my future. I won't give up on it because I've been sort of slapped by life. It's my life, it's now or never. 
To finish, I'd like to share a song I've fallen in love the first time I listen to. The lyrics are somewhat arguable, I know... To be honest, the reason I like it so much is because I'm able to relate to it. It remembers me some hard times I've been through that I felt like God wasn't there for me. In the end, fortunately, I understood what it was all about and that he was, he has always been there for me. And of course, because of the harmony of the song, which is, let's confess, perfect, brilliant, speechless.  
Well, I just hope you like it too...

You Found Me 

Why'd you have to wait? Where were you? Where were you?
Just a little late ... You found me, you found me...

 "Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes"- Raul Solnado

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Trust, I will always be there ♥

Sometimes when one person is missing, the whole world
seems uninhabited ...

Mulher tu sabes o quanto eu te amo
O quanto eu gosto de ti
E que eu morra aqui
Se um dia eu não te levo à América
Nem que eu leve a América até ti

This time you're not alone
Get rid of old ideals
Do something on your own
Don't care about the things you're listening to
Trust, I will always be there, waiting for your love

Trust in me, trust in you
Over and over and over

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes"- Raul Solnado

Sunday, March 25, 2012

What Happened ? Dear, Life Happened.

There's always a Matthew in everyone's life! Someone we've fallen in love just after spending awhile with them. Someone you've loved for so long and still wasn't enough to make you happy. That one person no matter how long it's been or how badly they've treated you, if they say "I love you", you will always say it back. It's a fact. Life doesn't give you the people you want. It gives you the people you need to help you, to hurt you, to love you, to leave you, and to make you into the person you were meant to be. That's the main reason The Matthew exist. They help us to end a long overdone chapter of our lives. They teaches us how to overcome life's trials and move on in life. 
I had my Matthew, I think. I hold him for so long, right close to my chest. But now, even fragile and easily breakable, I'm ready to let him go and move on with my own life... If it didn't happen, it wasn't meant to be.


 "Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes"- Raul Solnado

Thursday, March 22, 2012


"Os melhores sonhos de todos são aqueles que nos põem a pensar e a mexer. Os únicos sonhos de que vale a pena falar são os que não nos deixam dormir."
- Miguel Esteves Cardoso

I've been quite lazy to write and share, to be honest, so I didn't highlight two important dates this week. But to redeem myself, in spite of not wanting to write that much, I'm going to do it now. :) 
Sunday, 18 March, here in England it was the Mother's day. Also known as 'Mothering Sunday' which is celebrated on the 4th Sunday in Lent.  Fortunately, and despite all the economic crisis we're going through, people still want to show their appreciation towards mothers, giving cards, flowers, cakes or just a nice warm hug. It is so nice to see that people still care about their mom.
And the second date, "World Poetry Day" on March, 21st, ie, yesterday. Actually, yesterday was quite an interesting day for me. When I was wandering around the city, a little after noon, precisely at rush hour, I remembered a flawless poem (It might not look so perfect for some people but at least for me it is) I used to read all the time. It's a poem from Fernando Pessoa that I really relate to and I thought 'why not share it?' So, here it is, right below the text. That's it. I hope y'all had a nice day (mine wasn't that good :|) and Hakuna matata, bloggers! :)
c-ya later!
Tommy :)

Poema em linha recta 
Nunca conheci quem tivesse levado porrada.
Todos os meus conhecidos têm sido campeões em tudo.

E eu, tantas vezes reles, tantas vezes porco, tantas vezes vil,
Eu tantas vezes irrespondivelmente parasita,
Indesculpavelmente sujo,
Eu, que tantas vezes não tenho tido paciência para tomar banho,
Eu, que tantas vezes tenho sido ridículo, absurdo,
Que tenho enrolado os pés publicamente nos tapetes das etiquetas,
Que tenho sido grotesco, mesquinho, submisso e arrogante,
Que tenho sofrido enxovalhos e calado,
Que quando não tenho calado, tenho sido mais ridículo ainda;
Eu, que tenho sido cômico às criadas de hotel,
Eu, que tenho sentido o piscar de olhos dos moços de fretes,
Eu, que tenho feito vergonhas financeiras, pedido emprestado sem pagar,
Eu, que, quando a hora do soco surgiu, me tenho agachado
Para fora da possibilidade do soco;
Eu, que tenho sofrido a angústia das pequenas coisas ridículas,
Eu verifico que não tenho par nisto tudo neste mundo.

Toda a gente que eu conheço e que fala comigo
Nunca teve um ato ridículo, nunca sofreu enxovalho,
Nunca foi senão príncipe - todos eles príncipes - na vida...

Quem me dera ouvir de alguém a voz humana
Que confessasse não um pecado, mas uma infâmia;
Que contasse, não uma violência, mas uma cobardia!
Não, são todos o Ideal, se os oiço e me falam.
Quem há neste largo mundo que me confesse que uma vez foi vil?
Ó príncipes, meus irmãos,

Arre, estou farto de semideuses!
Onde é que há gente no mundo?

Então sou só eu que é vil e errôneo nesta terra?

Poderão as mulheres não os terem amado,
Podem ter sido traídos - mas ridículos nunca!
E eu, que tenho sido ridículo sem ter sido traído,
Como posso eu falar com os meus superiores sem titubear?
Eu, que venho sido vil, literalmente vil,
Vil no sentido mesquinho e infame da vileza.

Álvaro de Campos 

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes"- Raul Solnado

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Surviving Life's Trials

Hey ya! How are you guys doing?
I'm good. Just here in England trying to do my thing which  don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it,  and trying not losing hope in the future that shows itself so difficult to handle
So, I'm having a few problems applying to the course I want in university and I'm afraid I can't get into this year :/ I'm trying to avoid thinking about this subject because it stress me out so much but I keep doing that!  The problem is that I'm already a bit late and still,  I won't be able to apply till the end of April. I just hope everything goes well because I've invested so much time and money in this "adventure" that I can't afford losing another year doing that. 
Despite this, I've got some "good" (still discovering if it is) news. I'm finally living alone and yes, I know living alone isn't the same thing as being alone. Just me, my music and my thoughts. I really miss my auntie because she used to make laugh all the time. Now I have to find my own way to chill out about my problems. I think that's what life is about: finding your own ways to overcome obstacles find your own ways to cope with your daily stress and if possible, find your own way to joy whatever you achieve in life. 

Sometimes I feel a bit depressed and crying for no reason cause I'm paying the price of persuing my dream: leaving those I love the most.  :'(
Lately, I can only find comfort and peace in the fact that my Lord, my God is a merciful and gracious God who sees past my shortcomings and makes all things new.
For now, I want to encourage you that whatever you're feeling, whatever you're it going through, you are not alone. 
Here's to us, dear friend. And the trials we're facing together. Keep on. 
I'm praying for you guys!!

Sincerely yours,

Hallelujah: The best version I've heard!

I was made for you ...

 "Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes"- Raul Solnado

Monday, March 12, 2012

"As long as you're alive and care, I promise I will take you there.
Come with me and we’ll drive all night, through this town, under streetlights. We were two kids with no worries. Everything was wrong, but it felt so right. As long as you were on my side, on my side tonight. With the windows down and the radio at full blast, your hair in the wind, you know I can’t handle that. Let’s pause this moment in time. We’ll stay here forever. Let’s stay here forever."

"I think that when you fall in love with someone, every single day you spend with them you fall in love with them even more. It’s like you find something else to love about them everyday. The way they laugh, the way they sneeze, even the way they blink. I think that’s how relationships last. When things are exciting, everyday you spend with that person is like an adventure into their soul."

If you only knew how much I miss you ... :')

 "Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes"- Raul Solnado

Sunday, March 4, 2012

a gift, to be loved by you

" I should have guessed, when I first laid eyes on you that I was in trouble. I was the one you chose, out of all the doe eyed, helpless girls you chose me, and I was lost. I can't remember when I lost control of it, when I fell, but I do remember the way you looked at me, the way you touched me, like there was nobody else in the room, nobody but me.

You used to grab my hand, slip your fingers into mine, they were so much bigger, but they fit perfectly, and we were perfect. You would wrap yourself around me, you would engulf me, I always felt so safe in your arms, invincible. I could feel your love seeping into me, it smothered me and protected me from the world, because you were mine, and you were here.

And then you left.

You left, but your still here.

I miss your touch, your kiss, your smell, your everything. Sometimes late at night, I can feel you sleeping next to me, I can still feel your warmth and it's like you're home.

Sometimes we'll speak to each other in different languages. We used to sneak off together, we would plan it all out, we were invincible, we still are.

I remember this time, you had made me a fort downstairs, and we were sitting in it like children. It was in the beginning, and I just remember, I remember how badly I wanted to tell you that I loved you, but I was terrified, I still am. Later we would speak those words to each other in confidentiality, though it didn't last for long. You would always show me off, you wanted everyone to know I was yours, this girl, who loved you, I was the greatest thing in the world to you.

Months later, we still belong to each other. We've gown up, grown together, but we're still the same. I would still cross the sea to be with you, and you'd still fight off bears and lions to protect me. It is the greatest thing to have ever happened to me, it is such a gift, to be loved by you, to be yours.

And through thick and thin, I will always be here, right by your side, right where I belong, with you.


your heart "

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes"- Raul Solnado

Le Love

"Its something new everyday. Some stupid, little, petty, senseless fight. Ive been dealing with it for 2 years now. I ask myself why? Why do i put up with it? Why do i settle? why make myself unhappy, so he can be happy? The only thing i can come up with is, love. But then i ask myself again. Why? Why do you love him? Why do you care for him? The only thing i can come up with is, because i just do. Well thats not good enough. There should be atleast one point that sticks out in your head to why you love someone. Is it because hes my first boyfriend? The first boy that i actually cared about, and say those 3 words to? Is it because i am more than comfortable to be myself around him? Thats what i think it is. Being in my comfort zone. But why? Im a strong girl that shouldnt be afraid to step out and be free once again. Thats when i go back to, No Its because I love him. BUT WHY?! Whats there to love? He puts you down. He belittles you beyond belief sometimes. He tries to control your EVERY move. Picks fights everyday. He shouldnt throw foul language at you like its his job. Thats NOT what love is. Love should make you feel happy and blessed that you found someone like your partner. Not miserable, and angry. You should feel proud to bring him around your friends and show him off. Not just stay in the house. He should bring you gifts and surprise you with your favorite candy and flowers once in a while. Not threaten to break the relationship up. Ive been on this road too many times. I should have more pride and self respect to not be treated this way. I know i can do better, i know i can get better. I know i deserve better after all the shit ive been through my entire life. Maybe somehow and someway my brain is trying to convince me that i love him, and that im happy with him. But the thing is, in some twisted way, I AM happy to be with him. Cause when im not with him, im miserable. But wait, im miserable already in the relationship. I dont know, im confused… This is only my first “love.” Im only 18. I see all the problems wrong with this relationship. I see what needs to be fixed. Now its time to just deal with the fact that, none of it is going to be fixed, and he wont change, because hes a stubborn dick! I just have to be wise and tell myself that, this is just a lesson to be learned for what i dont want in my life. I need to be thick solid on the decision. But im still learning how to do that. Maybe thats why im still in this relationship, cause im STILL LEARNING."

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes"- Raul Solnado

Traveling and experiencing the world :)

Hey bloggers,  I'm feeling a bit melancholy right now (But I Mean That in a good way) so I felt like writing ...
Hello! It feels strange not having posted in more than a week! I know that's not a great deal of time, but having so much time on my hands I've been able to post everyday, and suddenly everything has gone into an overwhelming overdrive so I've been a little tight for time!

SO I am sitting here just musing with my thoughts and thinking about all the craziness that I get to experience everyday.  It's insane! I'm miles away from home, almost living alone (in a few weeks, I'll be totally by myself) and experiencing everyday different habits from mine. 

I admit it, I'm not much of a traveler. I enjoy the occasional road trip, but I don't make a habit of going too far from home. 

This experience has made me realize how incredible my friends are, how awesome my family is, and how bright and shinning my future will be.  There are so many times that I begin to stress and panic and think that the world will never look any brighter; but each morning I wake and decide to live for myself and enjoy every moment. If could be happier? Definitely. I would be so much more if the people I most love were with me, right here. It may look a bit senseless but I think I needed to be myself for awhile. Not to start worthwhiling those people but to start growing as a human being. I always thought I was the kind of child independent enough to make the journey alone. But I realized how much I need them here, by my side.  Still, the reality is that from the day we are born our journey is ours, alone. And as much as it might feel like it sometimes, I know I'm not facing the world alone.

Anyhow, I'm going to try and post as much as possible and will try and stay in the loop - it's amazing how many blogs I had to catch up on after just two days of not checking!

See ya later, 
Regards, Tommy

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes"- Raul Solnado