Friday, April 18, 2014

Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm.

My friends and I found the most adorable bar in our town. 
I mean, we've literally been everywhere. All the pubs, all the clubs, all the bars. Our town is small but not too small but still I guarantee you that most of us know where things are and where each of us lives.
So we found this place called Bar Maroc. It has this kind of this gypsy style/astral which is kind of cool and really relaxing. The atmosphere there in general is just so chilled and quite suitable as well for our nights out when we're not feeling like clubbing and dancing.
The reason I am telling about this place is because I feel like we're probably coming back there a few other times this year and it is probably going to become our special spot. I say a few because the academic year has come to an end. We've finished our classes and our timetables' obligations are done which means that my third year friends are moving to different towns and my Erasmus friends are moving back to their countries. We've had so much fun this year that I don't even mind. Of course I'd prefer this year to last forever but it can't, especially because I have learned all I had to learn with it already. And all these moments we've shared of pure joy and entertainment will be eternally treasured by me. I will remember each and every face for as long as I shall live because they all made part and made possible the best academic year of my life and not in academic terms :p
Thank you for being with me in the journey of who I am. It was so much fun. I can't even begin to tell how amazing it was.

Love always,
"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

I just want you to know that you’re very special and the only reason I’m telling you is that I don’t know if anyone else ever has.

Hello folks. Long time, no see, uh?.
I don't even know where to start. So much has happened and so much of it is relevant to the position I stand on today.
It's quite late where I am. I don't know in which part of the globe you live but where I am it's half past 3 and according to How I met Your Mother - one of the best comedies show ever written - no good can come from what I write at this ungodly time.
However as I was getting myself under the sheets and covers finally ready to end this exhausting and surprisingly not unfortunate day, I felt that I should write and allow myself to do a retrospective and introspective analysis of my life for the last couple weeks, perhaps even month in order to be able to clearly see the path I have ahead of me. So, for the purpose of not confusing anyone and myself as well, I have decided to split this analysis into three small posts.
This one I want to dedicate to a very special friend I've met not too long ago.
People have been telling that I've changed. I don't think I did, I have adapted myself and I have found myself. I have never felt as comfortable on my skin as I do now. I still have a long path in terms of acceptance of my looks but I am each day closer to feeling satisfied with being who I am.
Of course not all the decisions I have taken for the past months were the best, clearly NOT, but they helped me to define what I consider acceptable or unacceptable and recognise myself or others in things.
So this young lady is Greek, we've met through a mutual friend also Greek and we've been really good friends ever since. Not only we happen to share similar taste in music and similar passion for dance (despite the fact that she actually CAN dance and well, I try ), but also I feel like we're experiencing the same things in life which makes it easier for me to talk.
Anyway, we instantaneously recognised on each other a friend that we definitely wanted to keep close and even though she isn't in England anymore, we maintain in touch via facebook and email every moment we can. She is an amazing friend, I can tell that already. She, in such a short time, made me realise that it's ok not to be the same person as I was when I was a teenager and had no clear sense of myself or the opposite sex and it doesn't necessarily mean that I have changed, it only means that I have matured. And all of this sounds kind of obvious for anyone I know but it wasn't for me and it wasn't for many of my friends who didn't see in me the same person. They were looking for the teenager me and they couldn't find her because I grew up and through baby steps I defined myself more clearly every day.
So, I think I have been very blessed with the friendships I've created this year. All the girls are amazing and they truly care about me. We have the best time together and I just wish this year could last longer. Errika is the cherry on the top, she is the definitely a very special friend to me now. So special that I attempted to set her up with my best friend. Which in a million years I would have never done with most girls because I wouldn't trust any of them to be worthy of someone like him.
My lesson with Errika and all the good friends I've made this year was the following: Romance is exciting and great, but if you're looking for true and pure love, make some good friends first.

Thank you all for everything,
Love always,

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

Thursday, April 3, 2014

One page at a time, Tommy.

Well, sometimes you wish you could slow down time or at least come back to one specific moment in time in which you felt you had enough time to make things happen. Because if you do come back and re-do your actions, maybe your life would have take a different turn. But realistically you can't. Time waits for no one and much less will rewind for you. And though you can't see it now, it shouldn't. I'll tell you why.
You need an exact amount of time to try to make things happen - no more, no less. Let's assume you do you're best and you put your best effort and your best skills on attempting to see the future you dream of in the time you have, but when it comes to the time when you must review your efforts and analyse your gains, you come out with a negative balance and no results, no changes. My personal opinion and experience on the matter makes me believe that if your life as regards to one specific topic that you attempted to improve remains the same, it suggests that it is meant to remain the same which means that those hopes you've had are probably not meant for this page and perhaps even not for your story.
You think to yourself: you read books and you see more films that most people can think of. And you know more tv characters than words in an encyclopedia but you still fail to understand simple logical equation. How come is this possible? It is page blindness, I call it.
Numerous times in life there is not much you can do to change events and outcomes, however, you still continuously attempt to add commas. All because deep within you have hopes that as you progress describing, you will find a way to turn it around. It is very unlikely you will. Life is full of twists but they need a reason why happen and if that reason doesn't exist, you need to give an end to that paragraph and page of yours.
You can't see but honey you've written a beautiful story. Different from anyone else's. And many times as you were writing it, you've loved it. You've loved it from the bottom of your heart but you need to allow yourself to step away, absorb a bigger portrait of your it and if necessary, move past it. Did it define a crucial point in your life? Perhaps, but the only way to truly know it is to leave in the past and see how much it will affect you in the future.
Turning that page won't erase any of the words written. It won't erase any of the memories placed down. But it will be a step towards yourself. A kind of turn that will show you options that you haven't seen before because you were blinded by so many short pauses and descriptive colons.
 One page at a time, you'll make it, Tommy.
I'll stand by you.

Love always,

PS. Meet my friends. Two of them you've seen before on previous posts and here are a couple more. I've managed to gather so many cool friends throughout this year that I can't even believe myself sometimes.We had a picnic on Tuesday afternoon at uni because it was really good weather and we felt like it. It was a great idea as it was a major success. We also played scrabble. Oh, I almost forgot to add. I had a sushi and I liked it. It sounds like a "I kissed a girl and I liked it" but it's true. I've had such before but hated it, it taste like nothing - terribly. But this time, I've had and liked it. It's quite nice and not gross at all, as I imagined it.

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado