My friends and I found the most adorable bar in our town.
I mean, we've literally been everywhere. All the pubs, all the clubs, all the bars. Our town is small but not too small but still I guarantee you that most of us know where things are and where each of us lives.So we found this place called Bar Maroc. It has this kind of this gypsy style/astral which is kind of cool and really relaxing. The atmosphere there in general is just so chilled and quite suitable as well for our nights out when we're not feeling like clubbing and dancing.
The reason I am telling about this place is because I feel like we're probably coming back there a few other times this year and it is probably going to become our special spot. I say a few because the academic year has come to an end. We've finished our classes and our timetables' obligations are done which means that my third year friends are moving to different towns and my Erasmus friends are moving back to their countries. We've had so much fun this year that I don't even mind. Of course I'd prefer this year to last forever but it can't, especially because I have learned all I had to learn with it already. And all these moments we've shared of pure joy and entertainment will be eternally treasured by me. I will remember each and every face for as long as I shall live because they all made part and made possible the best academic year of my life and not in academic terms :p
Thank you for being with me in the journey of who I am. It was so much fun. I can't even begin to tell how amazing it was.
"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado
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