Finally being in your twenties is exciting. You enter a full decade of adventures and discoveries. Some even say it is perhaps the best decade of your life. It is in your twenties that you finally get to meet the love of your life; the job of your dreams and even perhaps the purpose of your existence. You're supposed to leave your twenties a full 21st century grown up with a permanent job and kids.
Well it is quite soon for me to judge my 20s since I have been here for less than half year. But my experience so far tells me it will be unique, like no other. In all good and dark imaginable sense of it. I have done things that I would normally not do and I have felt things that may have permanently changed the way I see myself and my surroundings.
A few years back, I projected myself as a successful and independent woman. Not know for her talents but yet for her hard work and good sense of humour. Going to university was the step needed to be taken to lead me there - to my future self.
As expected, I am not yet a successful and much less, an independent woman. I have realised that I lack of good judgment and the people I love and expect so much from, couldn't care less about me.
Nothing is going as planned. Well, I got to make amazing friends who have made this journey an easier and funner path but my love life couldn't be more flawed.
It's the story not told in fairy tales but that most of us has knowledge/experience of it.
Love always,
PS. Happy Birthday to my lovely, beautiful and extremely complex friend Viktorija. It has been a pleasure spending this last couple years with you. You had amused me and I amused you. May we able to keep amusing each more for many more decades!
"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado
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