Saturday, July 28, 2012

"Tudo Vale a Pena Quando a Alma Não É Pequena."

Como é do vosso conhecimento, já há algum tempo que não escrevo em pouguês. E de facto, sentia saudades. A língua portuguesa têm características próprias que mais nenhuma língua tem e tem uma capacidade singular de expressar a nossa alma, como mais nenhuma consegue.
Escever é um dom. Desde o nascimento do MK que pus bem claro que não era o meu. E com o passar dos  anos, embora se tenha tornado mais fácil para mim transmitir que me ilumina ou assombra o meu espirito, tem-se tornado cada vez mais óbvio.
De qualquer modo, só queria partilhar convosco um pouco da minha alegria por ter passado no exame IELTS. Consegui ter a nota que queria e não podia estar mais orgulhosa de mim e todos aqueles que foram um apoio incessante para mim, nestes meses de pura batalha.  Tudo vale a pena, sem sombra de dúvida, quando a alma não é pequena. E a minha tem se engrandecido muito nestes ultimos tempos e hoje tive a vitória que há muito já merecia. Agora apresentam-se novas batalhas para travar. E eu só quero ter algum tempo para me preparar emocionalmente para as mesmas, porque esta consumiu-me até a ultima gota, embora por vezes não tenha mostrado.  Eu deveria estar a saltar de alegria e nos primeiros minutos que soube da notícia, saltei, mas há um medo que não consigo compreender que ainda me controla. É o mesmo receio que me tem acompanhado nos ultimos tempos, a solidão. O medo de estar longe da minha família, dos meus amigos, do que me dá segurança. Mas o que tenho a vindo compreender é que nem estando em Portugal, este medo desvanece...
Hoje acordei a pensar nos grandes escritores portugueses, Pessoa, Saramago. E de algum modo, que adorava saber explicar os seus poemas, citações, parágrafos, páginas sempre me dão conforto. Aqui ficam algumas citações.
Feliz Fim-de-Semana e Mês de Julho!

 "Para temperamentos nostálgicos, em geral quebradiços, pouco flexíveis, viver sozinho é um duríssimo castigo."

José Saramago

Há um tempo em que é preciso abandonar as roupas usadas, que já tem a forma do nosso corpo, e esquecer os nossos caminhos, que nos levam sempre aos mesmos lugares. É o tempo da travessia: e, se não ousarmos fazê-la, teremos ficado, para sempre, à margem de nós mesmos

Fernando Pessoa

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Hey there! So today I've enjoyed my first beach day. And it was simply superb. I had so much fun with my little brother and one of my dearest friends. And that's what summer should be about, having fun. So, I couldn't be happier. Additionally, last night me and my best friend went to the cinema to watch TED. I dunno if you ever heard about this movie but I ensure you it is a fantastic movie. You gonna laugh until your stomach hurts.

That's all folks.
Me enjoying these summer vacation at fullest! :D


"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Nighty night!

Today I learnt a very important lesson about true friendship, truth, trust and lies. I can't really share it with you guys, it is quite personal, but I can ensure you that I couldn't be gladder. I feel so much better right now. Like I have lost tons of weight from my shoulders.

Nighty night!

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

Saturday, July 21, 2012


As minhas condolências para a familia Saraiva e para todos os portugueses que perderam ontem um senhor que tanto nos ensinou sobre a história de Portugal. Um grande comunicador que teve uma vida longa e de certeza, muito feliz. May you now Rest In Peace, Professor Hermano Saraiva. You will be missed!

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

Morning! :)

Hey fellas! So, two days ago, Thursday 19th July at about midday and after a 15-hours-trip, I came back to Lisbon, my very loved city. At first, I was glad and excited and had all these fancy cool plans to do with my best friends, but now I'm bored and disappointed because, as usual, they don't have time for me. They don't even got time to reply my sms for a sec. It makes me sad. I really should start thinking about rearranging my friends status and  also making some new friends. That's the main reason I can't wait for university times (that I look forward  to come in).  Anyway, I still got my family and a few friends that are 100% available to me. During all this time, they have been so great and supportive, true friends for real. Therefore, my effort in order to save and turn this summer the best ever is on. Though my best friends don't care about me, this summer's gonna be Legen... wait for it ... DARYYY!

Talk with you guys later ;)
Gonna spend some quality family time with my best folks.
Morning, bloggers!

PS. There's this boy I met in my last job. We're still in touch after I left the job a month ago. I dunno, things are going very well, I believe he's enjoying meeting me the same way I'm enjoying meeting him. We went out only once because of my exams and this trip back to Portugal. And it was fun and not creepy at all. It was my first real date, it was exciting   I really hope when I come back to England, if things continue like this, we can maybe get more serious and take another step in this sort of relationship. I dunno, I like him a lot and he seems to care about me the same way. He was such a blessing in my life, he's making me move on from something that never exist besides in my mind. I can wait to see where things are going ... lulz that's all. Stay cool, folks! :)

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

Monday, July 16, 2012

Friday, July 13, 2012

Perfectly imperfect ...

‎It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right. I hope you had the time of your life.

Deep inside what people want a fairytale to be is perfectly imperfect. No princesses, just an ordinary silly girl obsessed with her appearance and with an undoubtedly creepy sense of humour who turns out to be a very lovely woman. No princes, just the next door guy who listen to very unusual music and eats fast food for breakfast and becomes a very responsible husband who delivered his messed-up life to a very special woman.
And when we think through this point of view, the message it is not any more '... and they lived happily ever after'. Though very desirable, it is way above our capacity of prospecting. The message behind to this imperfect fairytale would be something like this:
«... Even though she was a bit maniac, perfectionist and gained some weight over the years. Even though he is not any longer that handsome boy and lost some hair across the years. And even though they wished their love last forever. On their wedding day, they only promised to love, fight and take care of each other until the day their love slip away from their hearts. And if their love is as big as they imagine to be, that day might never come and they will be happy for forever more... »

I don't expect someone to understand my point here. I barely understand it. We are not perfect, as much as we may try, we are not perfect. Our lives are not as well, and our love is the result and combination of our perfectly imperfection desire to be together, forever.

PS. Very lame, I know. I'm in a very emotional day, just let it be! Over 11,400 views bloggers! Thank you very much! 
"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I've got you under my skind. Yes, I've got you under my skin! ;)

Hello peeps!  I went to London a week ago, Wednesday 4th July with intentions of doing the IELTS exam on Saturday, 7th July, therefore, I think I deserve you guys an explanation for what happened there, since I'm back to Leeds now. 
Well, overall it went okay, I guess. I found it easier than the previous one or maybe I was more prepared to it, dunno. Likewise, I also don't know my grade and I won't know it until the end of next week or the following one. To be honest, I'm not interested in having a great grade, I only truly desire the minimum to pass. It's been a tough road and believe it or not, the minimum would rock my world and improve the likelihood of having the best vacation ever. I never desire something as much I desire to be able to understand the criminal mind. I think I never been so much passionate about something. I know it all began with some silly television program CSI, but it really captivate me and now, I look forward to pursue a career related to it. Back to IELTS, it would mean so much to me to pass in this exam, but if I don't. I do have now a back up plan. I'll share it if eventually I need it, but it's not at all what I want. Anyway, I'm aware I made a superb job accordingly to my situation, therefore I'm incredibly proud of myself . I putted so much of myself in order to do this crazy shot here in England and even though things haven't been always easy for me, I've found out an inner strength that never made me give in. I learnt so much 'bout what I'm capable and want to do with my life and I'm pretty sure I'll carry this knowledge with me wherever I'm going. However, of course, I gave my best shot, I did my best, so that I only require results which illustrate that.
In the meantime, before receiving the results, I'm travelling back to home, to the city of my eyes, Lisbon. By the end of next week, I'll be there, ready to spend some quality time with my beloved ones. It happens to be first time I feel this anxiety to hug my family and best friends. This time apart from them made me realize how meaninful their existence is, in my life, and I'm so thankful to God to give me these people who didn't let me fall apart, though the circumstances were quite hard. 
I would love to post some pictures I took in London, but as usual, I forgot to transfer them from my aunt's the SD card to my pen drive -.- In about a week I'll have them and consequently post them here.

I've got you all under my skin.
Have nice end of week, folks :)


"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

Friday, July 6, 2012

mental breakdown --'

The great day of judgement is coming. It is my last opportunity to make worth all effort. I won't fail at this, this time. I'm on my limit, on the edge of my mental capabilities, but still I'll make all these months of hard working worth, I pinky promise.
Yesterday, I discovered on a site that anyone who doesn't make the minimum of words in both essays in the writing section, has necessarily a low grade. So that was the reason I didn't "pass" last time. I didn't finish this section. That's a relief, in some weird creepy way, but I'm still very nervous and afraid. 
Anyway, wish me luck bloggers! Have a nice day :) 


PS. I'm back to London, my very favourite city in England. After the exam, which will be tomorrow all day, I plan to visit a few more places before coming back to the freezin' North Leeds.

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I refuse to spend my summer studying!

Everybody is on vacation right now and I'm still studying! -.-'
I don't want to be stuck here in England with this crap weather, alone and studying during all summer! This is too much depressing. All I want is to be able to enjoy some sunny days, go to the beach with my friends and have some nice outdoors family dinners, is that too much to ask for?
Going back to my studies -.-
I'll keep you updated,
Have nice day,

Oh!! Thinking about all our younger years
There was only you and me
We were young and wild and free


PS. I don't have a clue about what's happening with my friends. Most of them seem like they forgot me -.-
And wish me luck, the countdown for the exam has started!

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

Monday, July 2, 2012

I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away!

Here's the deal, bloggers. Kills me realising that my life and my oldest friends's lives is getting so apart from each others. We're all taking different paths, pursing different dreams and lives. Some are here in England, others in France, others in the United States and the list goes on. It seems unstoppable to stop it. Will we ever see each others again? It is terrifying thinking that we may not. I love them all and I hope they all know it. They're part of a very important time of my life. I was so happy and life was so full of freedom and joy, and all because of them. It was the best time of life and I thank you all for that.

And though my love is rare
Though my love is true
I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away
I don't know where my soul is, I don't know where my home is

Yes, I know. It is unlikely one of them will ever read this. But I meant every word.

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Hello, I'm a forever alone girl. And guess what? I don't have cute love story, cause nobody wants me. Therefore by the power vested in me, I pronounce that I love this song and I'll listen to it until I get sick of it. Thanks.
Jeez, I need to find a cool hobby to distract myself of these thoughts :x

I always loved this song. It has been one of my faves since it came out. So, I was very delighted when I discovered on youtube this incredible masterpiece version. It is so simple and soft and amazing. Very powerful, indeed.  I like the original performed by Coldplay more though. 

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado