Hey fellas! So, two days ago, Thursday 19th July at about midday and after a 15-hours-trip, I came back to Lisbon, my very loved city. At first, I was glad and excited and had all these fancy cool plans to do with my best friends, but now I'm bored and disappointed because, as usual, they don't have time for me. They don't even got time to reply my sms for a sec. It makes me sad. I really should start thinking about rearranging my friends status and also making some new friends. That's the main reason I can't wait for university times (that I look forward to come in). Anyway, I still got my family and a few friends that are 100% available to me. During all this time, they have been so great and supportive, true friends for real. Therefore, my effort in order to save and turn this summer the best ever is on. Though my best friends don't care about me, this summer's gonna be Legen... wait for it ... DARYYY!
Talk with you guys later ;)
Gonna spend some quality family time with my best folks.
Morning, bloggers!
PS. There's this boy I met in my last job. We're still in touch after I left the job a month ago. I dunno, things are going very well, I believe he's enjoying meeting me the same way I'm enjoying meeting him. We went out only once because of my exams and this trip back to Portugal. And it was fun and not creepy at all. It was my first real date, it was exciting I really hope when I come back to England, if things continue like this, we can maybe get more serious and take another step in this sort of relationship. I dunno, I like him a lot and he seems to care about me the same way. He was such a blessing in my life, he's making me move on from something that never exist besides in my mind. I can wait to see where things are going ... lulz that's all. Stay cool, folks! :)
"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado
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