Monday, October 1, 2012

Update/Heads up

Aren’t kids adorable? I know sounds weird starting a post with such statement but it has some logic, you’ll get it. Well, allow me then to share my latest ‘fun’ experience with one of 'my kids’.
My charming 7-year-old-cousin, Stephanie Melanie, did something very naively that put me through to a very uncomfortable and embarrassing situation right a few days ago.
It all started when I went to pick her up from school last Tuesday and noticed that her music teacher, Mr Davidson, according to her, to be honest I’m not 100% sure whether I heard this surname or something ending ‘son’, anyway, going on, he was obviously very handsome, very dorky style, besides being an actual musician (this is a tip for you boys and men. I really hope you all know it, but just in case, musicians are naturally attractive to women. So, you know what to do with this info clever folks, don’t you?)  
Anyhow, moving to the awkward part, I naively, as well, meant to comment with Steph that he was interesting and I was intrigued about his age. She said she didn’t know and I said okay and I thought this was the end of it. Well, never throw a clock bomb like this to a child. It tends to explode in the worst moments. And yes, never underestimate the brain of a child. Some are simply remarkable. 
So what happened was… Everything was cool and forgotten until a couple days ago, when my grandmother asked me how things were going between me and steph’s teacher. I was shocked by that approach coming from nowhere but nicely and discretely, I explained her how everything was only a misunderstanding. Later, on the same day, I went to pick steph’s from school again and this time she was over excited like she was bringing very good news. They really were great and she was sooo excited she didn’t even wait to come onto me to tell the one, she just yelled them. ‘Mr.Davidson is 25. I’ve just asked him.’ Believe you think you can imagine my poker face but you can’t. And there he was, looking in our direction like everybody else. Well, facing that situation my reaction was exactly what someone as grown up as me could do, I munched a few words to Steph and dragged her and especially me, out of there. It was an awkward moment, very likely to be one of the high ones, top 5, of my awkward moments list, which unfortunately, is getting longer and longer.
In a very weirdly way I think I’ve learnt my lesson here. Being smooth is always the rule. Never tell a child your entire plans, just tell them enough for they to know how to help you and make sure you enlighten them about what to do and more important, what NOT to do. Lulz
A summar of these first days of uni. Everyone's nice but I miss my friends. The classes are good but I miss my friends. The uni is excelent but I still miss my friends. I'm trying to cope with this nostalgia and put me eyes on the prize in order not to fall in a depression, but this is hard. I'm pretty sure you can all understand.
To finish, folks, I'm having a disturbing experience with a bastard rat. I hate rats. I hate not desirable animals in my house. Mental breakdown. And tonight I leave you all with a very special song. One of my faves. One of the requirements of my wedding ceremony (Is a bit too early, but c’mon who never thought about it?). Anyway, I believe that is every girl dream to have someone whom or with who, sing this song.
In my short, barely experienced opinion, I believe this is the basis of a love relationship and this is what I want for me:  A part time lover and a full friend. 

Stay cool folks. Yes ‘long time no see’ during this September but I promised October is going to see more from me.
Anyway, see you soon guys. Very soon

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado