Tuesday, October 22, 2013

An uncomfortable feeling.

Hey bloggers! Hope you're all alive and breathing.
I wrote this post sometime last week and never got to post it. I don't feel that way anymore. I will try to make a new post, showing the progression of my feelings. On how today even though I still don't feel secure or good enough, I still want to give it a go.
More in detail, later. Stay tuned.
I truly adore you all and I don't even know you.
I guess it is just because you take your time to listen to me bragging or complaining about random daily events.

Love always,

For me being/feeling nostalgic is a result of instances in which I had felt insecure, fragile or lonely. Of instances in which I'd hope I'd have a friend around. Well, I am feeling nostalgic today. The instances behind it don't really matter because all I know is that putting myself out there is harder than I expected.
You convince yourself to face challenges more challenging every single time and every single time you regret having made that decision at least twice. Well, I regret having put myself in a scenario in which I knew it was double threatening for me.
On the one side, I can see the positive out of all this: it made me feel uncomfortable. And now you wonder how can feeling uncomfortable be a positive sign. Well, it works as simple as this. If you feel too comfortable somewhere. You'll stop putting effort into it. You'll stop finding it attractive. You'll start considering whether it is worthy to keep on doing it. However, when you see yourself troubling to get something done, you need to improve yourself. Do better, try harder, dig deeper.
On the other side, the benefits from it may only come on a later stage. So till you get there, you'll find yourself having a hard time. Feeling extremely uncomfortable and progressively sadder. So, when the benefits really do arrive, even though you appreciate them, they won't make the whole "suffering" go away. Thereby the question you need to make to yourself is, is it really worth it the trouble?
This time, I don't it is, plus, it requires too much from me. You all know how much I've worked to get where I stand today. Looking back, it seems easy but I didn't feel that way going through it.

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

Monday, October 14, 2013

Hey Underdog world, I'm still Happy!

Hello underdog world! It's me Tommy as usual. Just wanted to make a quick update on my life. It would be expected, due to my usual mood swings, that I'd been on a "bad" place right now but I am not. I have only reasons to be grateful so I am focusing on all that.
So, yes, I'm still in a good emotional place, although some unfortunate and undesirable events took place in my life. They did not affect AT ALL my mental state. I've never felt this balanced and fulfilled in my entire life. :D
No, honey, it's not an alien writing this post. It's me the same old Tommy. I can prove that with a random but very classical act that only someone as me would commit. I've just broken my right-handed wrist from playing the guitar. Most people would do some hands warm-up exercises before playing, but because I'm super professional and good at it, I didn't and well... that was kind of the result...
I will be fine though. All for the sake of being able to play a known song on the guitar by the end of this year.
Oh, since I'm on the subject. I've been having some very interesting ideas for Christmas' presents this year. Can I just say I LOVE Christmas. I know I've said that a trillion times but I mean it and now more than ever. I love my family and equally 2012 and 2013 has taught us so much and obligated us to grow up so much not only as individuals but also as a family. We're closer than ever and now we can appreciate the blessing of having each others in our lives. So, again Xmas presents. Well, as always I have a list of family members and friends who I would like to "present" with a little heart felt something and this year is no exception. My list has grown a bit, I decided to encompass my lovely housemates too. They really take care of me so I would like to return a bit of the same love.
As you can see, I'm in an urgent need of getting a job.  Otherwise no meaningful Xmas gifts this year haha.
Well, of course my life hasn't been only about "wondering" who to offer and what to offer. I've been studying too, not as much as I should've been, but a bit. I've been attending this drama society group at my university. I've had the opportunity to meet some new people. I'm still working on personalizing my room the best I can. Of course, I'll never stop checking on my grandmother and my uncle dede back at Leeds, at least once a week.  And well the list goes on...
I think that's all for today, fellas.
I'll try to make more updating posts. I really like making them.
Please be safe and make sure to have a good time this week :D

Love always,

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

Lazy Gal!

Hey young fellas! I'm baaaack :D
Today's going to be quite a quick post. Just to say that I'm trying to enjoy my uni life more and to share my newest obsession with you all. 
Let's start off by stating the obvious: I am a lazy gal. I know that. You know that. Every single being on this planet probably knows that. And lazy people as myself really look for the easiest ways to make things done. And well and a few weeks ago I hit on an app that hopefully will make your life a bunch more easier too. 
I love to read and I read a lot. But sometimes I find my eyes way too tired for the job or I don't quite feel like going through the pages, so someone invented "Audible" which is an app sponsored by amazon. It's an app for both androids and apple fellas so no "geek fighting" over this, where you can find loads of audible versions of known books. So, there you have it. No more need to outwear your vision any longer. For a bit more than 5 quids (pounds) or sometimes even less, you can get the book that you want at a price you can afford in circumstances that you will sure love. 
Go get your free audible book here after a quick sign up! 

Love always, 

PS. No one paid me to advertise this app. I really adore it and it was job to share it with the world. I may be doing more app posts. I'm always looking for new ones and once in a while, I find treasures as audible. Make sure you stay tuned on my second blog to hear all about it.

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Happiness #NoFilter!

Hey bloggers. I am so sorry for not having posted in such a long time.
I could say that I was busy. I was indeed but I could have found some time to write here or recycle and publish one of the many old drafts I haven't yet published. But I didn't and I am sorry.
My life...well my life is pretty cool right now. I am probably the happiest I have ever been in my entire life.
Never felt so full. So excited. So brave. So strong.
Reasons for such:
Firstly my housemates. They are just wonderful people. I guess we all are and there is such a good environment in the house. We all support each other and tease each other and push each other to find better, to go deeper. I love being here. And I also love my room. My space. My guitar. Everything inside tells the story of who I am and I love it for that.
Second, I am very happy because even though I have lacked to publish in the past month, Mk has attained over 30.000 views worldwide and it's crazy. Can't believe people actually care about this little space of web. It's me. All of me. The sad me. The happy me. And I hope you all are enjoying knowing me better as much as I am enjoying telling the story.
At last, I met someone. It is a bit soon to predict things and I am not expecting much a fun time, but it is exciting and new. It's so new for me. This dating world with people of my age. I've only dated older guys and right one I have this guy with the same as I have who is interested in me. It is exciting and it makes me feel good about myself. We've been chatting a lot. Almost all day long texting back and forward each other and it has given me the opportunity and time to know him better. His tastes, his desires, everything he wanted me to know and also show him a bit of the weirdo me and so far he seemed to have enjoyed it. Anywho he asked on a date and we're going out this weekend and I am very looking forward for it. Now that I had some time to text him and talk to him and know a little of him, I feel like it is worth giving a shot and seeing what happens.

So this is it, bloggers. My happiness. England is finally working out for me and I never saw the change coming. Year of Tommy back on track :D

Love always,

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado