So, yes, I'm still in a good emotional place, although some unfortunate and undesirable events took place in my life. They did not affect AT ALL my mental state. I've never felt this balanced and fulfilled in my entire life. :D
No, honey, it's not an alien writing this post. It's me the same old Tommy. I can prove that with a random but very classical act that only someone as me would commit. I've just broken my right-handed wrist from playing the guitar. Most people would do some hands warm-up exercises before playing, but because I'm super professional and good at it, I didn't and well... that was kind of the result...
I will be fine though. All for the sake of being able to play a known song on the guitar by the end of this year.
Oh, since I'm on the subject. I've been having some very interesting ideas for Christmas' presents this year. Can I just say I LOVE Christmas. I know I've said that a trillion times but I mean it and now more than ever. I love my family and equally 2012 and 2013 has taught us so much and obligated us to grow up so much not only as individuals but also as a family. We're closer than ever and now we can appreciate the blessing of having each others in our lives. So, again Xmas presents. Well, as always I have a list of family members and friends who I would like to "present" with a little heart felt something and this year is no exception. My list has grown a bit, I decided to encompass my lovely housemates too. They really take care of me so I would like to return a bit of the same love.
As you can see, I'm in an urgent need of getting a job. Otherwise no meaningful Xmas gifts this year haha.
Well, of course my life hasn't been only about "wondering" who to offer and what to offer. I've been studying too, not as much as I should've been, but a bit. I've been attending this drama society group at my university. I've had the opportunity to meet some new people. I'm still working on personalizing my room the best I can. Of course, I'll never stop checking on my grandmother and my uncle dede back at Leeds, at least once a week. And well the list goes on...
I think that's all for today, fellas.
I'll try to make more updating posts. I really like making them.
Please be safe and make sure to have a good time this week :D
Love always,
"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado
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