I could say that I was busy. I was indeed but I could have found some time to write here or recycle and publish one of the many old drafts I haven't yet published. But I didn't and I am sorry.
My life...well my life is pretty cool right now. I am probably the happiest I have ever been in my entire life.
Never felt so full. So excited. So brave. So strong.
Reasons for such:
Firstly my housemates. They are just wonderful people. I guess we all are and there is such a good environment in the house. We all support each other and tease each other and push each other to find better, to go deeper. I love being here. And I also love my room. My space. My guitar. Everything inside tells the story of who I am and I love it for that.
Second, I am very happy because even though I have lacked to publish in the past month, Mk has attained over 30.000 views worldwide and it's crazy. Can't believe people actually care about this little space of web. It's me. All of me. The sad me. The happy me. And I hope you all are enjoying knowing me better as much as I am enjoying telling the story.
At last, I met someone. It is a bit soon to predict things and I am not expecting much a fun time, but it is exciting and new. It's so new for me. This dating world with people of my age. I've only dated older guys and right one I have this guy with the same as I have who is interested in me. It is exciting and it makes me feel good about myself. We've been chatting a lot. Almost all day long texting back and forward each other and it has given me the opportunity and time to know him better. His tastes, his desires, everything he wanted me to know and also show him a bit of the weirdo me and so far he seemed to have enjoyed it. Anywho he asked on a date and we're going out this weekend and I am very looking forward for it. Now that I had some time to text him and talk to him and know a little of him, I feel like it is worth giving a shot and seeing what happens.
So this is it, bloggers. My happiness. England is finally working out for me and I never saw the change coming. Year of Tommy back on track :D
Love always,
"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado
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