Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Every now and then, I like to go through some of my most recent posts and check if ever since I've written them, I've felt any emotional progression. So, as I was going through my posts and laughing at the silliness within of actually thinking that they would ever mean something to someone other than me, I understood the difference between growing up and developing.
It is a small difference but if you do understand it, it can literally change the way you perceive the world and more importantly: yourself.
To grow up is to go as nature tells you to. You need no skills, no commitment, just to be alive. It is a tremendous gift to grow up. Not every child gets it and it saddens my soul whenever I hear of a child that because of cancer or any other illness or poverty didn't get to grow up and see themselves functional figures of this world.
To develop, however, entails a bigger story. It entails hard-work, reflection, knowledge and above all humility to understand that you are a fragile being and that your pride means nothing as your range of knowledge is short.
So, despite most of us being entitled to grow up, not many develop because not many are aware that they too can do it.
I have understood early in life that I need to work hard for I what I wanted, but only recently I understood that I need to address, to face my weakness and make use of my strengths in order to make my effort accountable and thereafter develop. To develop does not necessarily mean you will be better or more important than anyone else. It only means that you will be a better you and at the end of the day, that's all you should pray for.

There is no middle ground in life. There is no happy middle. That's utopia.
There is however, willingness to develop oneself into an instructed humble being though and that is worth the run!  

Love always,

PS. I come slightly late but Hello March and Hello bloggers! I hope you're doing well and I wish you all a very warm beginning of spring. The weather has just been lovely here in England so may it continue as warm as possible and may we enjoy a fantastic time this month. On a different but still relatable note, am I the only one already thinking about Easter? Not just for the chocolate and the eggs. It's because everyone seems to be going back home for Easter and I am not. I am staying and I wish I could go home but of course, I can't go home every break home. I wish I had someone, a friend, staying in with me but everyone seems to be going abroad or wherever their homes are so I will be enjoying my Spring Break all by myself....which is totally fine. Anyway, cheers to life people! It all its ups and downs but balancing us pretty well. Cheers!

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado