Hi folks! I feel like we're a family here with us hitting almost 30 000 views worldwide so I decided to make a fun post, exposing 20 innapropriate facts about myself. No one is perfect and I couldn't be farther from perfection. Thereby I thought to myself that you all should know that I am as weird as your creepy neighbour. Here are 20 facts about me which are a bit innapropriate:
1.I love children, in general, but I love them much more when they're crying. I find it the cutest thing in the world to see their face go completely red. So much cuteness! (a bit disturbing, right? bear with me, it'll get worse)
2. I own fake hair. Like 50% of my hair, 50 % of the times is fake, if not more. So I literally carry other people's hair on top of my own head. Yes, you're right, it's absolutely gross but no one should ever have to deal with my natural hair. It cannot be tamed. Try and have it for one day and you'll get me just fine.
3. My fingernails are like magnets for dirt. I keep cleaning them and washing my hands twice in a hour, but they always find a way to get dirty. While it isn't a hassle, it is a bit gross to see a girl with dirty nails.
4. I'm always late. Whether you will ask me on a date or it important meeting to attend. Despite my trials, I always find a way to arrive late (Actually some of my best and worst and moments, happened because I was late.)
5. I am the worst patriot in the world. I mean, till this day, I cheat everytime I sing the Portuguese national anthem. There are a few words I am never sure of, so I just mumble them. (Give me a discount. I was born in country, raised in another and now living in a different. what did you expect?)
6. I eat everything until I get nauseated. When I really want to eat something specific, I'll do everything in my power to eat it as much as I can until get sick of it (which always happens within minutes).
7. I can be disorganised but never untidy. So if you see me study, I will have lots of papers on my desk, post it notes everywhere, open books, a real mess but you will never see my room or any of my belongings even slightly dirty. I am a bit of a germophobe so I hate dirt.
8. I am slightly strabismic. My eyes go squint every once in a while and this is very noticeble in pictures.
9. This one time, on my birthday, when I was 9. My cousin and I were playing karate because we both attended karate classes in school and he hit me hard on the lips so pretty much 'till this day I have a small nodule on my upper lip.
10. I don't like to be alone in my house, so I just keep inviting people to come over my house or finding reasons to be out or I just keep the tv on all day long.
11. I only own two pairs of jeans. I do have other trousers I use sometimes but denim jeans, I only have two pairs which is crazy for a girl.
12. I hate coffee. The taste of it. The smell of it. Everything about it. So, pretty much I have no reason to compulsively go to Starbucks as the rest of the world.
13. My feet sweat extremely and since they're kind of fatty, it's a nightmare to find pretty shoes to wear.
14. I forget about everything, everywhere, all the time. I would like to have children of my own some day but I am afraid of what kind of mother I'll become. I'm good with birhdays and dates but everything else from keys to mobiles phones, food in the oven and even clothing, I forget.
16. I like to see myself just in underwear but I don't like how my body looks like with clothes on.
17. I don't like to share food with other people. Or personal items. Or even just water. I find it gross. I don't know where their hands have been at so I cannot trust them with my stuff. (I have been obligating myself to do these kind of things but it's still hard. It's totally unnatural to me.)
18. I am slightly agarophobic and claustrophobic which means that I start sweating and trembling as if I am about to be murdered whenever I have to a address to a crowd (more than 5 people) or whenever I find myself alone and get somehow closed in small rooms. Reason why I only have a few friends and only take the lift when I'm way too tired to take the stairs or the floor I'm going to is too high.
19. I love other people's birthday but I hate mine. I like to prepare events and decorate. I love making gifts and trying to get in the mind of the other person to see what she would like to get and see big smiles when they get it because they weren't expecting it but when it comes to my birthday I just want to be left alone.
20. I am an introvert so I lack of any social ability to interact. If a person doesn't capture my attentions from the first moments, I'll probably won't ever direct myself to them, unless they come to me and ask for my help.
21. I have a really hard time saying No to people. This feature has led to very embarassing and uncomfortable situations already but I still can't do it. I hate the idea of hurting someone else's feelings.
22. I never pay attention to details so if you haven't noticed that I skipped number 15 and that I mentioned 21 facts instead, you're just like me.
Ok, bear with me, I know you're a bit disturbed with these revelations but I also hope we're better friends because of this moment of true openness.
Mk is the one place on earth in which my feelings have a voice so I have no need to keep any secrets between us.
Love always and stay tuned,
After hearing all this, I doubt a boy will stick around for second date haha ;)
"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado