Friday, July 26, 2013

The only routine with me is no routine at all.

Following a routine can be a big plus in your life. It helps you to go through all important matters of the day without the nerves of overloading with stuff to do on the following day. It can be a major time saver, money saver and sometimes even life saver as you will about to understand along the text. 
I've never been one of to follow a routine. My several attempts to live routinely failed majorly (apparently I'm not one to live a detail-planned life) and throughout the years I have been noticing that the unexpected is a highly common phenomenon in my life. I don't get scared any longer. Now almost mechanically I just give myself a couple minutes to process the information, another couple to analyse it and then another couple to kick off the resolution centre for possible solutions. Having to face England and all these challenges made me tougher. I know have the guts to do what I've want, to dream and try to make them reality because regardless the magnitude of challenges I have faced or may be facing in the future, I know that I can always take control of my life and don't let my future writes itself by its own. I'm not saying all this for no particular reason. You see, these last couple days have been crazy.
It all started last night when I went out with a group of workmates of mine. My intention was only to have dinner with them and later come back home. Surprise was mine when I got into the meeting point, expecting a restaurant and finding a pub instead. In a pub they indeed serve food but nothing eatable for a person as myself (a bit picky with food...) but the real problem I saw in it was the likelihood that everybody got drunk, kept drinking non-stop and smoking like it was the end of their lives and myself being left alone having to pretend to have fun (we all know, I suck at acting). However once there (and since they've already seen me), I couldn't simply leave. The group I was expecting was about 12 people with whom I used to work, but once there I noticed some fresh faces (two girlfriends of ex-colleagues and one guy I think it was working in the company and left before I got hired). The evening was overall a disaster. I stayed up until midnight and the guys behaved themselves well up until eleven because of the presence of so many females in the table but once all that vodka, Heineken, Smirnoff, Brandi and whatever else they were drinking got into their bloodstream, they all went mental. Specially the girls. One literally started stripping. One laughing like a horse and the guys just enjoying the show. One of the guys, one that never seemed to like me very much, even though he only saw me drinking sprite all night long, assumed I would actually go for him which was a problem since that guy who I went on a date with a while ago, who was also there and bloody drunk. They almost started fighting but the other guys (two who didn't seem much drunk and still aware, stop them before things got nastier). Anyhow, that was the bottom line for me because I left right. Being very honest, weirdly, part of me felt flattered (I've been feeling pretty down about my looks lately and seeing two guys almost fighting because of me, made me feel a bit better. Just a tiny bit because since they were both really drunk, anythng could have been matter of discussion). But mostly, I felt life threatened, scared and incredibly sure that isn't the type of environment or people I wanted to be around. I'm nothing like them. I also deleted that other guy's phone number and I'm not taking more his calls. I'm sure there is someone out there for me who will be there to protect me sober. I don't need this crap.  
On the following day, I had to wake up with the chickens which was tough as I arrived home at 1 in the morning, to take my gram to a medical appointment. She's been sick for a while now and the blood tests and MRI results have finally come through. So we went to see the doctor to discuss them. The doctor pretty much said that the illness she carries has no cure and they can only prescribe some pain killers to relieve the pain. Of course these aren't good news and I sort of just said 'gram you need to go Portugal to have a real medical appointment. I don't trust these doctors' because that is the truth and the only thing I brought myself to say. Anyhow, she'll be doing that once I come back from my holidays (someone needs to stick around to look after uncle.)
New things rising up didn't end up here. Later today, I took the bus to city centre and I sat where I always sit, which is in the upper floor, on the first row of seats (I like the view from up there). After 10 minutes on the bus while I was listening to music and enjoying the country view, suddenly a dog crosses an intersection running and the bus driver is obligated to make an emergency stop in order not ran over it. Because of my location and lack of protection, I completely splashed against the glass. Everyone gathered around me, including the driver to check if I was okay. I literally flew from my seat to the glass big window. Saved by my forehead who dented my landing. I am fine though. Didn't even got injured, just a head ache as you can imagine. Everybody was also checking each others out which something very nice to see. I've always seen British as cold people and certainly today, they have showed me, their warmer side.
The problems stopped here gladly. I couldn't take anything else today - a bit of overwhelming 48 hours I had as you can see.
Anyhow, I'm fine and counting down the days to come back home. My trip back is now due on next Wednesday, July 31st. I couldn't be happier. I can't wait to be home with my family and hang out with my best friend. I may even perhaps go on a 4 days trip to Algarve with my cousin. She wants me to be her 'wing-woman' (how I met your mother fans will get it) and since I would really appreciate some freshness in my life, this might a fun adventure to be part of. We'll see.
I'm off to bed now bloggers.
Thanks for your patience to read my unloading
Will you still love me
When I got nothing but my aching soul?

Love always,
PS. Those videos on YouTube where people show how to make some crafty work, it makes everything look much simpler than it actually is, right? or am I just really bad at it (very likely)?
Lana has grown on me. I learned to like her very slowly right after the initial fever (everyone was talking about her songs in a bout 2 years ago. you must remember) have passed away. Now, after some time listening to her music I think she is terrific performer and amazing singer. Do you agree?

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado