Sunday, November 11, 2012

Nobody said it was easy...No one ever said it would be this hard

I'll be posting something more decent tomorrow but for now, these photos and this song.
Yesterday was such a marvellous day, I got to spend the day with these two adorable kids and a few more and even though the tiredness of my weak body and the money spent on it, it was worth every second and every penny of it, because of the smiles and squeezes I received back. It may sound lame for somes, but for me, that's quite enough.
Today, for some reason my disturbed mind, ran over the memories of Portugal and how badly I miss everything: my family, my best friends, my earlier life, my earlier age. I wish they were here or I was there, but in any way, all together.

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado