Wednesday, February 20, 2013


still up and wondering how long can one be up without falling apart? it's been forever since i slept roughly 5 hours and  im feeling incredibly tired so i cant study and barely type and there's simply nothing interesting or amusing on tv at this time so, im just doing the usual, searching for new artists, listening to covers of songs i love and thinking about life. i hate thinking about life, because it makes me moody. according to the memory i decide to recall i feel happy or sad, in a blink of an eye everything is either darker or brighter and i dont want that. so im just trying not to listen to potentially sad songs. it's hard because i relate to every single song. jeeez
i was watching some mormon messages on youtube too. i like seeing all young people talking how do they find happiness in the journey because is something i struggle with and i love knowing new tips to make it possible. dont worry. im still in a good place, just more tired and stressed out with my deadlines - i havent finished any of my assignments. things dont look very promising at that department but i'll keep trying to sleep. for at least 4 hours. my body would really appreciated some rest. i never felt so heavy and ive been 'heavier' soo...
anyway, i think all this, being in a good place, stressed out, extremely tired; it all steams from this insomnia.

Talk soon, hopefully.
Love always.

  "Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado