Monday, March 4, 2013

Love and fight for what is worth fighting and loving for. Always.

So, this past weekend was an extreme and hard weekend for me. A lot of stuff happened. I had serious fight with my grandmother and even though I tried to be as polite as I could, I just lost it.
This wasn't still the reason behind my last post, I'm over this fight already. Honestly I do not want to see my grandmother for awhile, I need to process the fact that she always had ulterior reasons behind everything she did and does not care about me or my siblings or even my dad at all. But well, this is not surprising for me, I knew it, just not this clearly.  However, I have to remind that I owe to my uncle to not simply disappear. He needs me and I never leave a soul behind, even more a such a pure soul.
Moving on, the reason behind my last post was my youngest brother. He really disappointed me and I feel like it is partially my fault everything he is going through now and will go through in the futute. I was in a really bad place yesterday. I could not believe that my adorable kid who makes silly cover of songs with me and asks me about girls would be able to do that. Well, since yesterday I had a few hours of sleep that helped a lot and I was able to consider all that has happened and possible consequences and I know who I am supposed to be now and what I can do and will do in order to help him. I am not going to be that kind sister that believes in every lie he tells. I know he is a nice kid and though I tried to protect him, he needs to learn the hard way what life is capable of. Things have consequences and I hope he fears a lot for the consequences of his latest action because they won't be nice, neither to his health or future.
Love and fight always,

PS. I know I should not feel this way. I trust in God and Jesus Christ plans for me and for my family, I just fear the future so much...

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado