"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado
My life is all wrong and all I needed was a friend who'd say 'calm down, eveything will be okay'. And then hugged me, right after saying a joke to make me laugh. And then we'd sit on the couch and he'd whisper 'I'm here for you darling. You're just having a couple of bad days. Whatever you're going through that you don't want to talk about, just calm down and I'm sure things will be fine once you get the opportunity to get some rest and see a new day rise. And soemtimes I feel onely and alone and fragile and insecure and fooled and tired of this world of big dramas too. But believe me, You're gonna come out just fine. You always do.'
"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado
"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado
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