Sunday, April 28, 2013


I'm trying really hard to stay positive, really really hard. Everything's great...just great :(
Arising problems, nightmares every single night for over a week now, exhaustion, pressure from all possible sides...I don't know people.
I was excited about my foreign exchange next year to the United States and now it's not happening, another disappointment, another dream crushed.
I don't know people, I don't know....

PS. There is one good news in this spin of bad luck. My sister's got a really good job as a graphical designer in her city in Brasil. She even got her own fancy office and all. Pretty impressive, isn't it? She's really happy about it and of course I'm really proud and happy for her too.

Love always,

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Raise your hopeful voice you have a choice, You'll make it now!

I was willing to write all about my day but suddenly this song showed up. I wish I could explain how beautiful,  meaningful and many good memories this song brings. We've got a voice and the choice to raise it up and believe in ourselves. Believe that we'll make it now, we still got time...

Falling slowly, eyes that know me
And I can't go back
Moods that take me and erase me
And I'm painted black
You have suffered enough
And warred with yourself
It's time that you won

Love always,

PS. I cannot take my mind off my brother and my family in general...Seeing old pictures and wondering when did we start to grow apart?

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

Friday, April 26, 2013

Can men and women be just friends?

"While men and women can be friends, it is difficult for the relationship to be entirely platonic. Our genetics simply drive our attraction to the opposite sex! The likelihood that at least one party is drawn to the other sexually is very high, regardless of whether or not anything ever comes of it. This is the reason jealousy and infidelity exists; we are not wired to be a monogamous species."
Dr. Soroya Bacchus, 51, Psychiatrist
As a psychology undergraduate student, I find myself reading several articles per week. Most of them are related to the modules I am currently doing, however some are just due to my curiosity nature. Having that said, today I read a very interesting article by a scholar from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, USA. She aimed to answer the question of whether man and women could just be friends or any romantic feelings would eventually get in the middle of their relationship and made it unsatisfactory to both.
Cross-sex friendship tend to be fun, there is always a unique connection between male and female relationships — a place of vulnerability, adventure, and an exchange of the heart. However as time goes by, many people report developing feelings for their mates and not being able to express them as cost of the friendship built. Nevertheless, is it a general feeling and rule for all cross-sex friendships or even though it tends to happen in a few cases, romantic feelings-free relationships beetween a guy and a girl are still possible?
Among other findings, this study revealed that in such type of relationship men usually are the first ones to develop feelings, having higher levels of sexual attraction for their females mates, and also tend to believe their cross-sex mate feel the same way, regardless their current romantic involvement stautus, whereas women presented moderate or low levels of attraction for their males mate, rarely seeing their cross-sex mate as a possible romantic partner.
In general, both males and females, having feelings or not, believe that attraction tends to ruin the relationship status and therefore would never express their feelings at a cost of such a beautiful friendship.
Summing up, unrealistic expectations is inevitable in cross-sex relationship but most people move on from their romantic feelings and the relationship is kept intact.
Personally speaking, I don't think the relationship is kept intact. I believe that people eventually will develop feelings, not as a rule, but in most cases and as their degree of satisfaction for the current status of these relationship decreases so will their desire to keep it. Cross-sex relationships are possible as soon as possible romantic feelings are expressed so people can move forward from it. I don't know where I read it, a similar article to this one, saying that a relaxed adult conversation in which both mates would express their feelings is the best way of dealing with this, enabling people to move forward with their lives and in most cases keep the friendship however seldom people will feel comfortable enough to do it.
So, yeah, this is it for today :D Any thoughts on the subject are, as usual, appreciated and well received. Sorry for my absence. I've been busy and tired and my new laptop hasn't arrived yet so I don't really have the time nor the resources to post on a regular basis as I was doing before. I think my laptop is arriving soon thereby very soon Mk will be back to normal.
Additionally, I haven't done the changes I announced a few posts ago yet (same reason as above) but I will definitely be doing them, so keep tuned!
Love always

PS. If you're interested you can read the aforementioned study here: Full pdf

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Appreciate the people who fill the spaces in your life or, one day, those spaces will be empty.

This is just too good not to share! Enjoy it, have nice weekendand don't forget to always appreaciate and rejoice for having people who fill your life with their glow :)

God, give me grace to accept with serenity
the things that cannot be changed,
Courage to change the things
which should be changed,
and the Wisdom to distinguish
the one from the other.
Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as Jesus did,
This sinful world as it is,
Not as I would have it,
Trusting that You will make all things right,
If I surrender to Your will,
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with You forever in the next.
Love always,

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

Friday, April 19, 2013

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts

I've learnt to be depressed. It seems crazy to say so but it's true. As things happened throughout my life I've learnt to get depressed because of them and shut myself off from the world. I used to be different. I used to feel happy for no reason. I used to have this little thing that made me shine (I'm being serious here!) and people could see it and I could feel and spread it to my surroundings. However, as I gained some consciousness that the world is not as pretty as I imagined and people lie and bad things happen to good people, I lost my glow.
I want it back. I deserve to be just as happy as anyone else. This non-sense of being on the surving mode has to stop. I can be happy and you can too. We just have to choose to feel happy, as simple as that. We just have to choose not to feel defeated at every lost battle. We can choose happiness over depression. Things will never be handed over to our hands. That's not how success gets to us. We need to pursue it, we need to believe in it. Success in your love life, in your career, in your family. You can get it all and the people who have it aren't just because they were lucky. No, honey, they believed in it. They believe in themselves and in their flaws too. Life will never be perfect and happiness isn't about it anyway. You could never recognize happiness if you haven't been through for what you have. Life has more to give you than you're getting. You cannot never lose your faith, neither in life, neither in your future, neither in God. He's been there for you, you know he was. You felt it. There's a bigger plan here. There's a bigger picture for me and you and for anyone else willing to see it.
If you're wondering nothing outside this world happened to me specific for this change of mind of mine. I just realised that happiness can be as simple as it. If I remain so focused on the bad sides of life, I will never see it. See that Spring has arrived. Nature is creating new life. New colours are rising. People are feeling warmer and happier and so can I. If I just believe in it and stop focusing on the details. Porque O todo não é igual a soma das partes, é maior.
Love always,

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

I'm just fine.

Nowadays, I don't interact much with the outiside world. So all the lives I see passing by me seem trivial, fake, uninteresting.
I look at my sister and all that she's done to be with her happy ending guy (I haven't forgiven her if that's what your wondering) and I understand that as hard as fighting against the world must be, just for having someone to join her in this fight makes everything so much better. She even appears stronger enough for the two of them standing in front of everyone. I really think it is all very impressive, even admirable. I don't agree how they are doing things and sorting their lives out, though . However, I'm starting to understand that I no longer have a say in her life. It's not my life, not up to me, it's not even just her life anymore, it's theirs. Hope they make it work :)
My life isn't perfect, you know. There a lot I'd like to share that I can't bring myself to. It is just too personal. You ask: How come there is more personal stuff than you already share? Well, I don't know. I have just so much, so many diverse things and at the same time nothing, a big hole happening inside of me. And because I never spend enough time with anyone really to enable myself to open, I cannot do it. I was talking to Niny yesterday and I've noticed how long it's been since we've talked and how long it's been since we really talked like the best friends we used to be and how long it's been since I've seen her and it kind of makes me sad to think that's what the future brings to me. A enormous consciousness of myself and lonliness...
My only source of joy is the future I've always dreamt and foreseen for myself. If you want me to be really honest, lately it has been even harder than the usual to stick with it. All these dreams, the free-spirit I've imagined myself as, all of it seems as trivial as fake as pointless as the paperish city I live in. I renounced all I had, which at the time, didn't seem much for the sake of a dream that is making me stand all alone just with it. 2012 really helped me understand who I am not. Who I am stands a mistery.
So far what I understood about myself was the following:
- I am the girl who cannot tell a lie and forgets it. I will consume myself until the last bit until I tell the truth to someone I think that deserves it above it all. And I will do it in act of pure despair.
- I am the girl who will only dress up and wear any make up if she's gonna meet someone she likes. I pick the clothes I'm wearing trivially, whatever shows up, I'll probably wear it. I don't care if I'm even matching lately. I just shower, wear whatever I see first and leave home.
- I am the girl who probably won't be able to eat anything until she feels safe. When I feel super nervous because I have something inside of me that I have to share with someone specific, I can't eat, like at all. And all my trials of eating end up in me biting small pieces of whatever I have in my plate and pissing whoever is with me off. I don't do it on purpose. I really want to eat but because I am nervous I can't do it.
- The same way I talk a lot, changing from subject to subject when I'm nervous, almost like a bipolar person.
2012 turned all lights to me and I've never enjoyed being noticed (not that like being a complete blur to most people). Acting under pressure as I've been doing has never been my speciality. I'm afraid of screwing up, this time my life. Following my dreams hasn't been as satisfying as I projected...

Love always,

Though the city burns under red lights
I'm just fine, I'm just fine
Made with perfect sounds out of daylight
I'm just fine, I'm just fine.. I'm just fine

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Alrighty folks, it looks like the universe wants me to write and share my life with you all. In less than 24 hour, I'm back with some interesting updates to you all. The two main things about this post are the following:
1st: This blog:
I've been following this blog for a couple years already ( it's also listed on my top blogs too. Check my index on the right side and check my others top blogs. You should visit them!) and I've always loved going there and reading the amazing poems Goncalo (an university student) posted eventually. However just now, I realised that I never really shared it here, so yeah, I'm doing it now. You should definitely check it if you're fluent at portuguese or have majored it at university (just found out that some people out there in the world actually bother majoring in a language as difficult as portuguese! You people are crazy and honestly that's impressive. Way to go, you nerdies!). Check it out now, he just released a book!!! :D

2nd and foremost people:
Everybody knows that I am super dooper addicted to youtube - a youtube addict, if you prefer! Everybody knows that. I am completely capable of spending my entire day, if possible, looking for new artists on youtube. I like the idea of finding talented people. So now, I'm highlighting this AMAZING, INCREDIBLE group from the United States (they're always from the United States -.- Not americans pals, please expose your talents too) - VanJess. They are just not only beautiful and terrific singers but they have so much creativity! They create these medleys of known super awesome 90s songs but most of the time, make covers of some not-so-impressive (some are not that bad but still), take the cheesy part out of them and turning them into this amazing super rhythmic badass covers! Honestly, you should check their channel. You'll be as happily surprise as I was.

Thre truth is that is unfair from my part to highlight a single artist when there are so many and so amazing talents on youtube, such an enchanting variety that somehow always ends up brightening your day (Another tip, check the newest just released album by Paramore. It's legendaryy 'Still into you' is one of the best songs of this marvellous album LISTEN TO IT). Not only on youtube, but mostly since music is my kind of thing (I'm a believer that everyone has a thing, their own thing in whatever subject like drawing or painting or music, inter alia). Not like, I'm a good singer or play any instruments (as matter of fact, I'm working on that too!!!) type of thing, but the kind you deeply love music and if you'd spend a day without listening to music, you'd find yourself on the edges and considering suicide ;) Anyhow, I'm always finding super interesting things that I'd love to share with someone. Most of the times, I share with my friends, the ones I know who will enjoy it. But sometimes, I just keep it to myself. But to think that some talent must be spread, I had this potentially cool idea which is adding a new page to my set of pages already of Mk (thinking about updating the ones I have too, and making some changes in design and so, already sick of these new blogger models). This page would be about youtube, articles, web stuff that is worth visiting, if you're willing too. This would a more relaxed page, no dramas, just interesting, worth-looking stuff.
Once I have some free time and internet back to my house, gonna work on this idea. Don't expect for the next couple weeks though haha.
It's exciting creating new things!!! New forms of valuing your time. Here, I am going to share my taste in art, music and literature and whatever else I intended too, with you all. Obviously suggestions are well accepted and encouraged (always great to know what other people like). There are over 7 bilions ones out there so if you're thinking there's not a single one who likes the things you do, look at the numbers :D

Love always,

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

It takes two to make a thing go right

Hi strangers,
It's been a few days I don't post a single thing. I bet you all have missed me! Well, kidding (or not?!) I don't have really to post daily. We all have better stuff to burn our brains on !(right? posting is super silly!)
Okay, this is a completely random fact BUT today has been creeply windy!!! I am serious, it's not just a random note, all day it has been this super creepy winding sound and whenever you go outside, you're almost taken by it. Thinking that it's twenty to 10pm and I'm still at university finishing a report and will have to deal with this crazy wind. You people better wish me luck.

Lulz, anyhow, in the line of my past posts, I am feeling better, not quite better, just alright. I am trying very hard not to be taking by life's trials and to keep my mind and body sane. I'm thinking about going on a diet but well, they never result or I always end up giving up for the lack of results and hating myself more so I don't really know... but I thought I'd said that, anyway...don't know why really...

I really miss being home. I was looking at some family pictures yesterday and we all look and are so different now. Some of them aren't that old, so I think 2012 really changed us all. I almost started crying again, but luckily I stopped myself before going there back again. Everything is fine, loads of problems but I will solve them. I am okay and that's what matters. I am super busy doing my finals piece of written work and planning my ultimate challenge - an oral presentation. I am super super nervous about this one, so keeping myself busy is helping, a LOT.

I still don't have internet at my house, so I can only browse whenever I'm at uni so you fellow pals don't expect anything soon. Busy plus no internet means several days without posting for sure...
It seems like to me this is a completely pointless post but I just wanted to say hi, and assure you all that I am still alive and surving and asked you what have you been up (No need to reply this, by the way!). I do miss having internet and talking to people though!

And by the way, it is true! It takes two to make a thing go right! Anything done by two, it is, in general, more likely go right and most definitely be fun. You can never go wrong if you're doing something you enjoy with someone you love, it's fun time certainly!

Love always,

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Sabem aqueles filmes em que ha um adolescente rebelde que grita sempre para a mae "Ninguem me entende nesta casa! Ninguem me deixa ser eu mesmo". Pois pela primeira vez compreendo-os.
Eu dediquei a minha vida a tentar simplificar a vida de toda a gente e consequentemente ter a minha vida simplificada. Eu sempre percebi que eu deveria ajudar tudo todos. Pratica o amor ao proximo em retorno ter a sua gratidao. E isso seria suficiente. Foi suficiente. Pelo menos parecia enquanto eu sonhava e criava o meu castelo de areia. Toda a gente mentiu-me. Parece que tudo perdeu significado e mesmo agora quando tento falar com a alguem sobre isso parece que estou a exagerar. Fazer mais disto o que e'. Quem sabe estou, sempre o fiz. Eu sou um saco de pancadas. Sempre fui. Fisica e mentalmente. Cada um tira um senha e espanca me como desejar. Builing, racismo, auto-estima e agora isto, entendes? Porque e' q ninguem entende? Sou assim tao dificil de entender?
Porque que as coisas nao sao branco ou preto? De que servem os cinzentos?
Tudo em que acreditava esta' a desfazer-se. Na minha familia, embora nao perfeita, feliz. Na crianca em que sempre vi o meu irmao. No exemplo de coragem e audacia que sempre vi a minha irma. Nas historias do meu pai. Nos milagres da minha fe. Nos amigos para a vida. Tudo foi uma mentira. Incluindo eu, neste jogo de marionetas. Esteve sempre tudo errado. Todos os meus esforcos foram vaos, porque nao se endireita o alicerce inclinado. Ha de sempre ver coisas escorregar por si.
Hoje, eu sinto que eu sou a unica que sofro. Provavelmente em vao.
Eu so quero parar de sonhar. Parar de acreditar nas pessoas. Parar de esperar mais delas do que elas me podem dar. Eu so quero nao sentir. Nao me afligir.

E' suposto que tudo seja tao dificil? E' suposto tanto desespero e sofrimento?
Porque nao posso simplesmente amar e ser amada? Confiar e ser confiada? Dar e receber?
Voces deviam visitar outro blog. A serio. Se ha um lugar deprimente na web. Este lugar e provavelmente o Mk.


"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

The moment you realise...

So, this is my real post for today.
Don't have much time to put into this, so here it goes. I want to come back as soon as possible to Portugal. I cannot and will not stand seeing my family fall apart. I have to be there to make sure, some of us survive. I have to be there.
My brother is getting worse or I'm finally seeing him for he really is. It sucks thinking that he's been lying to me all along. I am quite easy to fool. I believe in everyone. I always give them the bloody thumbs up whatever they do. I never lose my faith. That's why people fool me. Including the ones I love more than my own life.
I don't know where's brother heading with this all. I want him to stop and look at the damage he's causing. It's a caos. Everyone's suffering, specially my mother. She's the one suffering the most. I don't want her to suffer anyone. She raised her kids with a cook/chef wage. Do you know how freaking hard is to do so? With no financial help from anybody, not a single penny from my father or from my grandma who loves to claims she helped my mother raising us. She did nothing. No, wait. she probably screwed my childhood. I remember everything she's done to me. My mind hasn't erased a single thing as time passed by. I've forgiven her, but now I realise she never deserved my forgiveness.
I don't know who to trust. Everyone somehow keeps letting me down.
My life's a mess. My head's a mess. God, please, just give me so freaky PEACE. I want to be able to sleep at night with no worries. I want my old life back....

PS. Some people drown their sorrows in alcohol, others in coffe or pills or drugs or chocolate, anyway multiple objects of consumption. I, well I study instead. Yup gonna focus on something I don't particularly enjoy, which is anatomy, and drown all my sorrows in there, until I'm too tired to think of my problems....

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

just get over with it.

Hi everyone! I wrote this post last night. If you don't have time or the patient right now, I don't advise you to read. It's somewhat boring, essentially just me complaining about life. So if you don't care, you better focus on other things, it's a quite a long post. However, if you do have the time and the patience. Go on and let me know what you think.
- So, I finally got home. It was a troubled trip, I mean, even more troubled than the usual, which means it was pretty hardcore. Anyway, not feeling like talking about it or bragging about my unbelievable bad luck when it comes such things or pretty much everything in general. The important is that I got home safe and tired and found a nightmare in the form of letters - yes, is true story. Found a bunch of letters with bills and other stuff. This house goes way above my earnings and possibilities and I knew that when I moved in but I’d hope it would be a temporary thing. I will eventually have to leave it. I cannot stand spending this much and not having a full time work...Don’t know what I will be quite doing about it yet…I’m worried, stressed out, confused, still tired and trying to recover of this long, way too long trip. I’ll make my way out of this trouble, hopefully. Well, the house and the bills aren’t my only problems. University and family are just alongside. I have to finish my last report. I’ve finished all the others in Portugal. Just have to finish this one more and I think I did a damn good work on it tonight. I’m still missing doing the introduction and discussion section, but everything else is done and that’s a relief. Tomorrow once I’m awake and finish doing my housing affairs, I’m going to head up straightly to university’s library and spend the whole day coffin in there, searching among the books and finishing this report, hopefully TOMORROW. Don’t have any more days to spend on this. I have to worry about other important stuff – you know, my criminology assignment. I haven’t found a group yet and my lovely professor hasn’t replied my emails, so I’m bloody screwed! It’s 50% of my module final mark. I have to find a way of doing this. I cannot stay back at a module I have put so much work into. I mean, really, I worked a lot. I don’t remember working as much in anything else in my life. I didn’t copy a word from anywhere else. I did it all by myself, I’m really proud of what I conquered so far and I cannot die at the seashore. I’ve gone so far, not dying here, so my plan is, once I’m done with this report, I’m going to ask a friend of mine to double check it for me, because I never see my stupid errors and I don’t have time to worry about them now and then, I’m going to try to understand what is the criminology assignment about and start doing it all by myself in less than 10 days. Yes, because that’s all I’ve got left. 10 days to do by myself the biggest assignment of this year. Who am I kidding? I’m screwed. There’s no way I’m making this up in 10 days. It’s at least a month thing and in 5 people group. AT LEAST. I’m so screwed!
Gosh, my life’s all so wrong. My family‘s visibly falling apart. I didn’t even get the opportunity to say goodbye to my little brother before leaving. He wasn’t home. I waited for him as long as I could but I had to go otherwise I would miss my stupid flight that SURPRISE SURPRISE, WAS DELAYED! Isn’t it funny? Perhaps for you -.- Anyway, now he can be going away at any time, pretty much, and I won’t even be able to hug him, wish him luck, tell him that no matter what I will always be there for him and that he can count on me, in case he doesn’t know already, and I will be expecting to see him in much better shape in a near future. I won’t be able to say a thing and when I come back he won’t be FREAKING HOME.
Gosh, I miss my sister. She would know what to say. And now due to a stupid mistake of my broadband supplier I’m off broadband for “several days” as a staff from T-MOBILE put it on the phone. SEVERAL DAYS? They have to freaky kidding with me? How am I supposed to contact with my family? How am I supposed to contact with, let’s the outside world? I see no one, talk to no one for several days? Don’t Finish doing my damn reports and submit them in time? Well, obviously they don’t care and I can’t do anything else but wait.
Obviously I’m finishing my reports and that’s why I’m going to stay until late night tomorrow at library, don’t have other options, so I gotta do what I gotta do -.-
Anyway, now I’m curled in my bed sheets and blankets while writing this up and trying to take my mind off…life and its problems.
It’s hard getting used to be around people and then suddenly leaving them. Exactly when everything was starting to get a lil bit better. My friends were finally finding time to see me. I was finally starting to accept the consequences of my brother’s acts and not so annoyed by my cousin music’s choices. I was finally getting used to see my mommy coming back from work and asking her if anything interesting had happened that day or asking my stepfather if there are any improvements in the real estate department and whether he’s been able to sell any house, condos lately.
I was getting used to the life I had before. It was a good life, you know. Now I see it. It sucks being home by yourself. Though I have this AMAZING taste in music that allows me some good moments, overall it sucks. It’s too silent, it’s too depressing and with no internet, OH DEAR, almost suicidal, no kidding. But well, on the good side, I’ve been able to read A LOT. I mean, a hell of A LOT. I read an ENTIRE BOOK TODAY. 300  pages of a generally good book. Not the best I’ve read, not even quite it, but good, it was fine. So, for me reading a book as such in a day it was really because I didn’t want to feel alone, you know. I’m not saying the name of the book because I’m feeling a lil bit embarrassed of having read it. I mean, there’s nothing weird about it, but for some reason it showed me a kinky version of myself and I’m not quite sure I like it, so I’m not telling which book was it – YET.
Sorry for writing a lot, but now that I do not have internet to distract myself, writing is pretty much all I can think of doing.  I may start a brand new diary aka journal. The last time I wrote in my old diary was over a year ago and it wasn’t much. I was already almost an entire year almost without writing in it, before it, so, it’s been a long time since I keep a diary and I kind of miss it, though I don’t have much to tell now since it’s just me and my sucky problems.
I guess you all are very bored by now and I honestly would like to stop writing but I can’t stop myself. I have to tell something to someone. Don’t know where this urge comes from, but I do. Funny thing about not being online is that I don’t miss facebook. I thought I’d miss it a lot more, but I don’t. It shows to me that I actually may be able to delete it some time. I’ve been keen to delete facebook over a year but I never go on with my decison because I always realised I’d miss it too much. But I don’t. AT ALL. Not a single thing. Not even the possibility of talking to my friends. I much prefer emailing them, anyway. I may not delete it but stop using it. Just let it be there. Do not upload new photos or be online or contact people. Just let it stand there, like my twitter account. I have my twitter account since EVER and never really used it. I don’t think what I have to share with the world can be summarised in a few random words put altogether to form a sentence. That’s not me or I don’t it is. But again, who am I? The question of our lives, isn’t it? I’ve come to understand that I know a lot of who I am not. However I am still finding the person I am. I would like to be more experienced. In pretty much everything, if you want me to honest.
For instance, the virginity thing. I would like to get over with it. Honestly, just get over with it; I don’t like the fact is such a great deal. On the other hand, I don’t want to be another one. I want it to be special; with someone I’m in love with and want to marry someday. It may sound old-fashioned but I do want to marry the guy with whom I’ll have my first time. And likewise I want to get over with it, this entire big fussy drama people from my generation make about and around it, it bothers and freaks the hell out me, a little.
So, I just want to get over with it, but not at any cost, obviously. So, you pervert reading this, don’t you even dare wondering.
Nowadays, you can count the ones in celibate. People sleep with everybody. Specially teens. Once they find the perks of sex, they can’t stop thinking about it. And guys see girls as a pleasure instrument and then, when they are done, thrown them away. And some girls also do this to guys or to other girls, as matter of fact.
Anyway, we are living in a sex era. Sex is the new toy. Everyone wants to do it. Some even get so much that get addicted like a real addiction. It’s real, folks. I’ve read a lot about it, including confession of sex addicts.
Anyway, I’m no expert, in the contrary, but I think people are searching in sex what they should be searching in their partner instead – love. Well, some. Others are just about the pleasure they get from it. Why am I talking about this again?
Gosh, hmmmn, well… I’ll finish with this, don’t know a thing about sex but know that loves goes beyond it. It’s a much bigger picture, you people. Don’t get lost in the details.
I’m listening to crazy little thing called love by Queen. I can spend days just listening to Queen without getting sick of Freddy’s voice. How can one really get sick of his voice? I’ve heard it but cannot believe it. Impossibruuu mission for me.
Going on, going to come back to my reading. Have some catching up to do in relation to everyone else in my class regarding the must-read articles.
Being myself really sucks...
Love always,
"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

when you decide to follow your dreams, you realise there is always something to lose in the way. If you're lucky enough, it's not yourself.

I cannot believe that the person people are describing to me is my little brother. It cannot be him, he would not do things as they are saying. He's sweet and fragile and needs me to finish doing his homework tonight. He's gentle and funny and likes to see me laugh. He loves learning new stuff and jog with me on Saturdays' mornings. He likes to hear me talking about my day and tells me about his. He likes his life. He doesn't like when I cry. He doesn't make me cry or disappoints me. He takes my advices and likes to take good care of him, of his body, of his mind, of his soul. He doesn't lie and always uses the money I give to him to buy sweeties. That's not my sweet little brother.

Okay, I just wanted to say this first. Actually I've written it last night and never got to post. So here it stays. I woke up this morning feeling somewhat better. To sleep is the best to do sometimes. It takes your mind out of your problems, for moments. I woke up feeling some extra energy to fight. To fight whom? that's the question. I'd say myself. My impulse to protect my brother. My impulse to stay. My impulse to give up on everything, I've done so far....My last couple days were guess is that by my posts you probably already noticed. I was feeling like crap you know, a powerless, stupid, fooled and lonely, completely alone crappy me. However, today I decided to stop myself from feeling. Not love, not shame, not fear, not disappointment, not anything about anyone. I don't even know if today will be the last time I'll be seeing my brother for a long long time...Do you know how big that is? Don't you dare telling me that I'm overreacting, I'm capable of going right now to your house and kick your damn ass!!! Okay, I'm going to stop writing now because I'm not feeling okay again. There's so much rage, sadness in my heart. I really needed a hug right now :(

Later today, I'm back to wintery England.

Love always,

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

My head hurts -.-

Okay, so less than 24-hours to come back, my head is going all crazy. I'm have this huge headache, probably 'cause I decided to jog for over an hour while it was raining outside. I had to go out, I had to find a way of letting go my energies and worries. My head is also hurting due my insanely preoccupation about my brother's situation. He's turning into an untamed animal, doing what he wants all the time, lying as much as he can, crying in front of you and claiming that he's telling the truth when you know he's lying. The list can go on and I can't simply go away and see this problem growing and getting wilder and stronger on my mom's shoulders. Honestly, I cannot say that by being here, things would be better for everyone, I tend to try to deal with everything and everyone at same time but this is bigger than me and I don't know what to do exactly. However, I do know that by being here I would feel definitely with myself. It kills me leaving home the way I am leaving.My heart is filled with grief. I feel like crying all the time. I cannot believe this is happening to us. Like after all we've been through it wasn't enough. When is our time to just BE HAPPY?
Now, in the Uk, I also have issues to figure out. The place I'm living, it's big issue. I have to find my place, but everything is so INCREDIBLY EXPENSIVE!! I was waiting until the end of the classes to start looking over for a place to live closer to university but now that I'm thinking about saving for my placement in the USA, I don't know whether accumulating expenses is a good idea. Probably not.
And to finish, I'm doing my last two assignments! One of them, it's cool, I can manage it. The other one, not really. It's a group-work thing and I don't even have a group two weeks before the deadline. We have to do an experiment, I think and I cannot do it on my own. Don't have the time, don't have the people, don't have the tools! And this is my last assignment for criminology before exams season starts and it is 50% of the module final mark. So, if I don't do this, I cannot finish this module. So, yeah, great. Everything is going great, life's awesome and I'm just a lil bit desperate........

Someone please make this all go away
My head hurts so damn much. I feel like I may explode at any minute

Love always,

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I just wanted this to get easier but it doesn't...

Okay my last post is HUUUUGEEEE! I haven't even noticed that was THIS big until now. But who cares? You probably do, it sucks reading such a big post, however I am not changing it. Not today at least. I'm feeling tired, spent all day doing research and writing reports. I'm feeling quite tired really and I just want to sleep. But there is something troubling my mind. The idea of going again, oh god, it kills me. I do not understand why doesn't this get any easier as time goes by. IT WAS SUPPOSED TO GET GODDAMNED EASIER!!! but it doesn't. And always think to myself, if I could only see that friend one more time and spend one more day with my family. And gosh, now, I'm crying. Oh dear... This is not going welll...Packing up is so hard. Not really packing up but the meaning of it, which is leaving. Of course I'm coming back, of course it will be in the summer and of course I don't know when...If I could just hug my friends one more time and stay with my family for a few more days...If I could only... It's like my heart is in pieces right now...I just wanted this to get easier but it doesn't...Honestly, I'm heart broken! I know I shouldn't be. This isn't my first, second, third ... time. I am supposed to get better doing these things but I don't, I'm all wrong as usual and this getting tougher and tougher on me. Counting the days, realising time's up.... I just want to stay close to my mommy and see her everyday, fight with my cousin about always having to maintain my room clean, playing on Xbox with my brother and claiming his cheating because I am losing the game and going out with my best friend and telling the world to SUCK IT while we are wandering through Lisbon city centre singing and dancing. If I could only...

Love always, 

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

Monday, April 8, 2013

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.

Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore. ~ Andre Gide

Hello everyone! Yesterday was a great day. I'm not getting into details or posting any pictures really but I guarantee you all that it was a day to remember. I went to the theatre, walked a lot, laughed a lot, enjoyed THE BEST company and since we were both being really honest about things, I'd say it was a pleasant surprise and improvement for our relationship :D I remain unsure about some things but one can't have it all in a single day.
Sleeping at night was the hardest part because I had so much information FLOATING all over my head to process that I couldn't make myself fall asleep...I was thinking about the following things:
  • I was thinking about my brother and not wanting him to suffer a single thing during his life because I still see him as my little Ken but he's not giving us (my family) any choice back so I will not oppose anymore to the consequences of his acts. I still have a lot faith in him. I know he's a good boy and if there's a change of heart, he will get over this phase of his life but now I also know that good boys do bad things and hopefully this will make him STRONGER! “Even if you stumble, you’re still moving forward.”
  • Then, I was thinking about my religion. We sure have a lot of so named "rules to follow". However, in general, I think people try very hard to follow them more than in any other religion. When I first became Mormon, it wasn't very hard to adapt myself because I never drank alcohol or enjoyed drinking coffee or black tea, or any tea as matter of fact. In general these rules are not because people want to mess with your life. They were made for your own damn good, for your health. Whether you want to follow them or not, it's up to you and no one will judge you if you do otherwise. Well, I cannot say no one but I and some people I know wouldn't judge you. I don't want to compare Mormons to any other religion because we all claimed having and "gospeling" THE TRUTH in our chapels so it's hard for anyone really know which church to enter or whether it is worth entering or not. At this point of my life, I am not the best Mormon. Not because I don't follow the "rules" (which tend to be more advices than rules anyway). However, I must admit I haven't been reading the scriptures daily and sometimes when I'm in England I skip church on Sundays because I have work to do. Not because I don't believe in the the gospel any longer. I haven't being the best Mormon because being Mormon was the ONLY place that I used to feel like fitting in...however, during the past year with all these changes happening in my life, I don't feel like so anymore. Being Mormon made my father convert in a better no-alcohol version of himself. He's much better now and I am very proud of him and thankful for this change of heart. I know it's been a while that I don't talk about my father. You may see the difference if you have been following MK since the very beginning. My father has always been a really good man, anyone who knows him can see it but he never did anything for his own benefit and this aspect still remains. He probably think he's not worth it which is not true. He's a DAMN GOOD MAN with several flaws but overall a good good man so he deserves GOOD things. However he doesn't believe in so and believes that by lying to me it will make me feel better. It doesn't daddy, it doesn't.  I hate when people lie to me, you know. I am terrible liar. I've lied a few times during my life, non-sense stupid lies and it never ever worked out in the good way for me so I do not understand why people lie to themselves or to anyone really. It never works out well. DO NOT LIE. People know you're lying. Anyway, my father lies to me about a lot of stuff that he knows that I know the truth nevertheless he still does it. Daddy we cannot and should NEVER erase the past, but it's gone, we are all over it now, please move on with your life. Because when you lie to me, it hurts me so much knowing that after that we've been through together, you cannot still be honest with me and tell me the GODDAMNED truth that I already know...Being Mormon has helped my family become closer but as the years passed by it looks like to me that we only hid the truth to ourselves and now it's coming out to everyone else all over again . I feel for my family a lot and I just keep hoping and praying that we will be able to overcome this one more challenge as well...Being Mormon is getting tougher and tougher on me because it used to mean FAMILY and JOY and now that everything is falling apart, it means CHAOS and MISFORTUNE. I'm no longer that funny girl who wears cute dresses that people enjoy talking with on Sundays' mornings. I'm just a misfit, a misfit all over again. All great changes are preceded by chaos. ~ Deepak Chopra; Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. ~ Marilyn Monroe
  • I was thinking about you Dave, my probably only reader. I don't know what you're going to do with your life at this point. I mean, this is really hard for you and I feel a lot for you being at such a position. On the one hand, You cannot leave your course in management now, having already done two REALLY GOOD years of it, however it sucks losing another year doing something that YOU DON'T LIKE. On the other hand, You may not feel OKAY with yourself in some years from now, if you don't COMPLETE your management course NOW. You will feel even more frustrated for starting something that you have never enjoyed and NOT EVEN FINISHING IT.... don't know what are you going to do but my advice to you is to be ready for anything. 1st thing, please APPLY, STUDY, GET READY and DO your BEST in your exams!! Get ready for them now! You may not decide to try to do something that you have loved your entire life which is going to Medical School and becoming the best Doctor everyone will ever see, but just by doing REALLY GOOD in your exams you will feel better with yourself - I guarantee you. And it will show to yourself HOW MUCH you really want this. 2nd thing, PLEASE PLEASE talk to your BOTH parents. Let them know what you're thinking!! Having their support will boost your CONFIDENCE. There's nothing better than knowing that your family supports your craziness!!! 3rd and last thing, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. I know I am probably your BIGGEST FAN and also your closest friend ( RIGHT??!) so you may not believe in my words but I still have to say them. You're so FREAKING TALENTED!!! Honestly I'd give the world to have half of your talents. You're so UNIQUE in so many ways. You're very HANDSOME (you're very handsome boy, but my guess is that you already knew that haha!). You INSPIRE so much CONFIDENCE in the way you talk, the way you look at people so please STOP pretending and start instilling within you some of that confidence!! You're AWESOME and YOUNG. You're so GODDAMNED young, look at you, you're 19!! You're such a HARD-WORKER! Therefore, in my view of the facts, THERE IS NOT A SINGLE REASON why you shouldn't GIVE A TRY at something you love. Not trying is the hardest feeling to stick with, David José. You will regret a lot not trying for THE SECOND time. We both now that consequences will be plenty. Insecurities about it, will come and go, but I'm sure you will do, NOT JUST MINIMALLY fine, you'll do GREAT. Because there is nothing worth trying that isn't HARD! There is nothing worth trying that isn't painful and requires A LOT from you.
  • To finish, I love you more than you think you know  (my guess is that you already know that) and I believe in you and will ALWAYS support you whatsoever happens.
Hope you people will enjoy these quotes on life change. By finding the courage and faith in following your dreams, you will find a new YOU, you've never seen before. 

“By changing nothing, nothing changes.” -Tony Robbins
“Remembering you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.” -Steve Jobs, Stanford commencement address 2005 
“Use what talents you possess, the woods will be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.” -Henry van Dyke
“The best thing you can do is the right thing; the next best thing you can do is the wrong thing; the worst thing you can do is nothing.” -Theodore Roosevelt
“If what you’re doing is not your passion, you have nothing to lose.”
“All our dreams can come true – if we have the courage to pursue them.” –Walt Disney
“If you run you stand a chance of losing, but if you don’t run you’ve already lost.” –Barack Obama
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” -George Bernard Shaw

Love always,

PS. Please go talk to Sara. You guys used to be best friends for really good reasons so, just go talk to her and show her that your friendship isn't over and she can count on you the same way you wish to always count on her. AND PLEASE IGNORE what people say! Even if you think that they are clever than you! Who are they to interfere in your life at such an UNGODLY hour?

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Protect the unknown

 The thing about family problems is that no matter what your hopes are, things still go to the way they have to go. He says he's not doing drugs anymore but he doesn't sleep home. He says he's taken drugs for the first time two months ago, but his suspicious behaviours have started way before. What am I supposed to believe in now? I cannot take his word for anything more. He's not worth-trusting. He's still my little brother and I still want to protect him but how can I protect the unknown. I don't know who he is anymore. He's taken things I don't even know the name. He lies to me. He's been lying to me all way long. I just don't know what to do.

Fight and love always,

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

Just like a star across my sky, Just like an angel off the page, You have appeared to my life, Feel like I'll never be the same...

So, four days before leaving, my worries about my brother have been triplicated by his own acts. He just doesn't listen anymore and I am so sad that he's choosing to learn about life the hardest way. I've seen very important people for me taking the wrong road in so many ways during their young years and now years later and they are still trying to find their way back. I don't want this for him. He's my little star, he's supposed to shine and guide everyone to what is good, he's supposed to be my little angel and I will always be here to help him but he lost my entire trust, he needs to face the results of his actions the hard way. Hopefully he will learn.

Love always, 

PS. You people tell me, how am I supposed to just go, seeing what I've seen, knowing that my presence here in nothing has changed his position to life. I don't know and I do not want to go. I wanna stay and help but I can't.

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

You're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow

I've always loved this song and I've always loved this amazing artist that is CORINNE BAILEY RAE as well. She has this distinct and melodious voice that one's gotta love it. For some reason, I've always thought this specific song was about me, I mean, there is always that one song that you think it MUST be about you. Therefore, it's late, I cannot go to bed yet and listening to this helping me to calm down. Below are the parts I think is about me. 

Three little birds, sat on my window.
And they told me I don't need to worry.
Maybe sometimes, we've got it wrong, but it's alright
Oh, don't you hesitate.
Don't you let those other boys fool you,
Got to love that Afro hair do.
Maybe sometimes, we feel afraid, but it's alright
The more you stay the same, the more they seem to change.
Don't you think it's strange?
Some nights kept me awake, I thought that I was stronger
When you gonna realise, that you don't even have to try any longer?
Do what you want to. 
Just go ahead, let your hair down.
Oh, you're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow:)

Here's the video for this song and two others for two others songs that I love too.

Love always,

PS. Long and tough night... :/

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

Friday, April 5, 2013

5 days left - BENFICAAAAAAA :D

I don't know. A few days from leaving home there's always that patriotic feeling for being in some way proud of our homeland. Even with the financial crisis and all whatsoever is happening lately in Portugal.
Honestly, I don't know much about Portugal's economic problems. I mean, I know what everyone abroad must know and perhaps a few more details that my mom lets me know once in a while but not beyond it. I haven't been following the news very closely.
On the other hand, I know a lot about football...I mean, I think I know a lot about football. I don't know how to play it properly - in the field, I'm helpless. However, I'm great at evaluating a good football game on TV or stadium. I know all the names and faults and all that stuff that happens during a game...I can recognize and name them all. Furthermore, I follow a few teams like my favourite team BENFICA which is in overall a really good team. Sometimes things don't always go on the way expect or even go on the opposite way, but when we make our mind on doing something right, as a team, we can definitely make it happen! Today my team has played and we've beaten a British team, Newcastle United for 3-1. It was a really good game.
There's always that sadness for leaving your family, even just for 3 or 4 months, it still looks like an eternity to you since you're the one who's moving away from them. You think of your family and how their presence makes you so much happier. You think of your friends: whether you think it is worth to maintain such friendships. You think of your best friends and how you wish them good and will miss their presence around you. You think of the people you're romantically interested in: whether it is worth to keep them close, whether is worth to even think about them, how incredibly much you will miss them and how you already do having even left the country. You think of what is waiting for you, in my case, bills and problems and school. You think a lot of stuff you know, but you still have to go.

Love always,

PS. Yesterday, it's after midnight -.- was quite a day. I walked a lot. Actually I've been walking a lot lately. To everywhere, from everywhere, hours and hours walking around and I discovered that enjoy walking - a LOT. I mean, by walking, you have the time to think about things you normally don't allow yourself to do and it's good because you always get somewhere, both mental and physically.
Anyway, yesterday I I hung out with some good friends. I mean, they are great, always so interesting and funny, however we just don't have that much of affinity any longer like we used to have. It's understandable, I'm not used to be around people anymore.We went shopping but found ourselves hating most of the pieces we've seen in stores but it was great still, just chilling out, enjoying each others company. Then, I went to see my daddy. He looks so tired. He's been working way too much...I'm worried...He's not that young anymore...He should not be working as much. I feel for his health, he should make more time for himself. He's needing to. And by the end of the day, I saw Leote. It was totally by accident but a great one. I saw her on the train going back home. It was great. I like her a lot, she's one great friend that I have and I don't have much friends, I see myself having less and less as time goes by.... and we have so much in common and it is so incredibly easy to just talk to her and tell her what is troubling my mind. It was one good surprise seeing her one more time :D and that was it. Oh, and I watched the game obviously at home but with loads and loads of emotions as always :D I bet all British who came to Portugal to watch the game and saw their team losing are hating themselves now. BITCHES BE CRAZYYYY muahahahaha

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

what if we stop having a ball? what if I'm not what you think I am? what if I fall further than you? what if you dream of somebody new?

What if I do?
Cause I am giving up on making passes and
I am giving up on half empty glasses and
I am giving up on greener grasses
I am giving up

What it your eyes close before mine?
What if you lose yourself sometimes?
Then I'll be the one to find you
Safe in my heart

BUT I am giving up on making it work and
I am giving up on safest goals and
I am giving up on wanting your soul
I am giving up

I am giving up on us.

(Adapted from giving up by Ingrid Michaelson)

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

45 Life Lessons written by a 90 year old

I know I've written a lot and I am not suppose to write as much as I did in a day, but whatever, who cares? :P
So, I was on facebook a while ago and found this note on a acquaintance's wall and thought it was simply genius and marvelous...I'll try to follow them up after all "no one is in charge of my happiness but me".
So, here it is, to you all, 45 life lessons from a 90-year-old man :)

1. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short not to enjoy it.
4. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and family will.
5. Don’t buy stuff you don’t need.
6. You don’t have to win every argument. Stay true to yourself.
7. Cry with someone. It’s more healing than crying alone.
8. It’s OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
9. Save for things that matter.
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
11. Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present.
12. It’s OK to let your children see you cry.
13. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn’t be in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye… But don’t worry; God never blinks.
16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
17. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful.  Clutter weighs you down in many ways.
18. Whatever doesn’t kill you really does make you stronger.
19. It’s never too late to be happy.  But it’s all up to you and no one else.
20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don’t take no for an answer.
21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don’t save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
22. Overprepare, then go with the flow.
23. Be eccentric now. Don’t wait for old age to wear purple.
24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words, ‘In five years, will this matter?’
27. Always choose Life.
28. Forgive but don’t forget.
29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
30. Time heals almost everything. Give Time time.
31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
32. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn’t do.
35. Don’t audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
36. Growing old beats the alternative — dying young.
37. Your children get only one childhood.
38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s, we’dgrab ours back.
41. Envy is a waste of time. Accept what you already have, not what you think you need.
42. The best is yet to come…
43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
44. Yield.
45. Life isn’t tied with a bow, but it’s still a gift.

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

and she will be loved!

I never thought I'd come to a stage in my life where school would be the least of my problems. I am not doing exceptionally well but I am doing good. I definitely need to focus more, but I am doing okay, really okay! Well, the only thing I'd point it out would be my lack of friends in university but well, one cannot have everything, I believe.
What I've been struggling a bit was everything else. Friends, family and love. I've always had an unbalanced love life but friends and my family have always been my rock and now that I don't have as many and am far from the ones I love, this has been an issue too.
People always tell me I have a very low self-esteem. I think everybody has a low self-esteem, even those who are cover magazines models It's hard to feel good about yourself with so much judgement.
The title of this post is quoting a song you all probably know. It's a Maroon 5's song "she will be loved" a must known and a precious oldie. They are not my favourite band, not even close but I really like their first records. This one tells the story of a woman, a young woman, who doesn't believe in herself, in her potentials and has been hurt so much that she doesn't even ponder that there is someone who will ever love her. Love sucks, we all know it does. I've always loved the wrong people and have always had a hard time walking away. I have a thing about getting in trouble continuously and self-harming as much as I am able when it comes to love. However, I still believe that the right will appear and I will be loved.

Love always,

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

teen blogger!

I blog about my life, the music I like, the books I have enjoyed reading, the movies I've watched on the theatre or at home, the places I got know, the people I've fallen in love with and the people who have broken my heart too, my anxiety, my low self-esteem, my dreams, my desires, my general taste, my goals, myself.
And sometimes, due such a variety of themes that I discuss here is hard to summarise, to sum up in a few words what type of blog this is. Well, I will tell you know that it doesn't fit categories but it definitely fits life. It was for years a teen blog, now is entering in a new Era of a young adult blog, with university, work and placements. There is no way I could ever delete this blog. I deleted another one I was doing before MK and now I regret deeply. If you're a blogger too, understand this, whatever you write, this is history, your grandkids may look at this in 50 years from now and say "my grandma/grandpa (s)he was as insecure as I am and (s)he made it, so I can make it too". Mk tells my story which may not be the most interesting story to tell, but it's mine, in so many and diverse ways mine that no one could ever take it from me.
Mk taught me that life can be very hurtful but if you have just one place that you can just write about it. Oh darling, you will never feel like giving up. If my existence could be compressed in one single point, Mk would be it.
I write foremost for myself because I may my biggest reader. I always re-read my own posts several times, I like going back in time and spot the changes, the biggest changes, the smallest changes, what I haven't changed and what I am still willing to change. Mk helps me to lift my crazy moods and get up in the morning and face life.
I write for you too crazy teenager going through crappy stuff and feeling helpless. You won't find great dea of advices here, I guarantee you, but you will find someone who went and is still going through the same stuff. Being a weirdo or a misfit is a reality for many of us, so don't feel like you're alone, cause you're not. The world has not sen your potential yet. You may lack some visible interaction still or ability to make friends, but each being in his life is balanced. So, what you missed in there, you will compense in other things as an amazing  hidden talent. You may draw beautifully or dance or sing or analyse people or tell stories and the list goes on.
You are special in so many ways and perhaps some day you will find the people who will make you feel in this way.  I don't know if I have found my people yet. They may always been here and I just don't see them, they may not have arrived yet, I dunno. I know that I haven't found my one in 7 billions and I believe the moment I see him, my people will appear too.

Love always,
such a lovely day today :D

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado

Monday, April 1, 2013

Finding your own people!

Well, I went out with a great friend of mine. She's really unique and we look so much alike in terms of personality and taste in general things, that it is just crazy to see. I truly adore her and being around her makes me feel really good about myself. There is no drama between us and we are able to talk about pretty much everything, thereby I think it is just a shame that I don't get to see her very often. Actually this is the first time I see her this year, so yeah, it kind of sucks. Anyway, I am glad did have the opportunity to see her and we did spend an enchanting afternoon catching up about our lives.
Moving on, my point here is we were chatting and she advised me to starting looking out and to find my own people in the UK. You know, people you can relate to and an environment you naturally fit in. Honestly, I heard this as challenge as I don't many friends and I see myself as a misfit. However, I do agree with her and will try to do as told because everything sounds, looks, is better when you have people to tell about it. 
I really am going to miss her. Being around people like her makes me feel really good. And she's right about a lot of stuff, you know. About me being stuck in high school times and thinking way too much about the people I met throughout it. The show must go on and the show must not leave without me and at this point of my life it is a necessity to move on and the necessity has always made the survivor so if do need this strong enough, I will do it. 
She also advised me to forget about some people that are dangerous for my mental health. I know she's right but I just I cannot do it. It's like asking me to leave an essential part of myself and I am not sure whether I can do it, or not. However, it's definitely about time to do it.

Love always, 

"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado