It's been a few days I don't post a single thing. I bet you all have missed me! Well, kidding (or not?!) I don't have really to post daily. We all have better stuff to burn our brains on !(right? posting is super silly!)
Okay, this is a completely random fact BUT today has been creeply windy!!! I am serious, it's not just a random note, all day it has been this super creepy winding sound and whenever you go outside, you're almost taken by it. Thinking that it's twenty to 10pm and I'm still at university finishing a report and will have to deal with this crazy wind. You people better wish me luck.
Lulz, anyhow, in the line of my past posts, I am feeling better, not quite better, just alright. I am trying very hard not to be taking by life's trials and to keep my mind and body sane. I'm thinking about going on a diet but well, they never result or I always end up giving up for the lack of results and hating myself more so I don't really know... but I thought I'd said that, anyway...don't know why really...
I really miss being home. I was looking at some family pictures yesterday and we all look and are so different now. Some of them aren't that old, so I think 2012 really changed us all. I almost started crying again, but luckily I stopped myself before going there back again. Everything is fine, loads of problems but I will solve them. I am okay and that's what matters. I am super busy doing my finals piece of written work and planning my ultimate challenge - an oral presentation. I am super super nervous about this one, so keeping myself busy is helping, a LOT.
I still don't have internet at my house, so I can only browse whenever I'm at uni so you fellow pals don't expect anything soon. Busy plus no internet means several days without posting for sure...
It seems like to me this is a completely pointless post but I just wanted to say hi, and assure you all that I am still alive and surving and asked you what have you been up (No need to reply this, by the way!). I do miss having internet and talking to people though!
And by the way, it is true! It takes two to make a thing go right! Anything done by two, it is, in general, more likely go right and most definitely be fun. You can never go wrong if you're doing something you enjoy with someone you love, it's fun time certainly!
Love always,
"Façam o Favor de Ser Felizes" - Raul Solnado
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